Game freeze when placing objects

Started by Meich, March 28, 2021, 02:18:20 PM



when i try to place objects from the building menu, the game freezes and i have to hit alt/f4. The sound continues in the background. Sometimes it crashs me to the desktop.
I dont know how to attach a logfile so please tell me how to do it. I guess it will help more.

Best regards,



Thanks for reporting. Please let us know what is the version of the game (as displayed in the main menu, in the center of the footer) and whether you're are using any mods.




Gameversion is





Thank you for the quick response!
There were no reports of this issue before. As you have several mods, please try the game without them to check whether the issue is caused by them. To do so, you don't need to delete the modsΓÇöjust rename your ModsConfig.xml file to something else (e.g. ModsConfig_backup.xml) and on the next launch the game will create a new ModsConfig.xml file without the mods.



So i have disabled all mods and the same issue as before.



Thanks for checking this!
When did the error start happening?

Please copy this folder path and paste it into the Windows Explorer address bar: %LocalAppData%/CrashDumps
It contains the crash dump files (but could be missing depending on Windows settings). Please check whether there are any "dotnet"-related files. If so, please compress them into a zip archive and upload to any file hosting (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox), and provide a link to download here or in a private message.

After this please delete the contents of this folder: %Temp%/AtomicTorchStudio
It contains the caches of the effects/shaders. Please try the game again and see whether the issue is resolved.



I guess the error happend the first time approx. 2 weeks ago. I have played this fine game over 500 hours and had never a problem with it. Im not sure but there was maybe a nvidia driver update at the same time.

The crash dump files are here: (

After deleting the caches i have tried the game on my private server and it crashes. On the official server it runs fine. So maybe the private server is corrupt? But i guess the error was on official server before also.
Btw. the game is still running in Steam after crashing. Sometimes there comes a message: The GPU driver is crashed



Thank you for the log files!

1. The client log contains a report of the GPU-related crash (the graphical device was disconnected/crashed). This is often related to the driver itself and the GPU's stability. Please ensure that it's not overheating and have no unstable overclock. You may also rollback to the previous WHQL version of the GPU driver.

2. One of the dotnet-related crashdumps reports the source of the crash was inside Windows API related to the processing (reading) of the text input.
3. Second of the dotnet-related crashdumps reports the source of the crash as a memory access violation is msftedit.dll which is a part of Windows.
However, both dotnet-related crashdumps are fairly old (from mid-March) so they do not represent the source of the crashes that happened recently. But such issues are often indicating potential hardware issues with RAMΓÇöit will not harm to run Windows memory diagnostics or MemTest to ensure that your RAM has no issues due to timings/clock speed/overheating.

So maybe the private server is corrupt? No, it should have no effect on the client. Perhaps the client is using some mods while playing on private server? The client is automatically enabling the necessary mods for the server if these mods are "client-server" and present in the client Mods folder ("<your Documents>/AtomicTorchStudio/CryoFall/Mods").

To verify the new crashes please delete all of the log files from "<your Documents>/AtomicTorchStudio/CryoFall/Logs" and run the game client until it crashes. Please do it two times so we have some data in the logs to analyze. The logs will contain all the data about the activate mods on the client.
Also, if the issue is 100% reproducible then probably there is something odd going on with rendering. Please try running the game in the windowed mode (press F11 to toggle the screen mode or use in-game video option), in a small window, and see whether the issue is still reproducible.
