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Messages - Felnadorn

Thanks for taking a look at my post. It sucks because it pretty much wiped out the last 3 days worth of gathering, crafting. (including yesterday's 7 hr resource session gaining stuff to get to tier 3.

Other helpful insights to help improve the clarity of the game (tell players the following)
- what the health of their walls/doors are.
- for recipes that require some skill that is in a different tree currently not unlocked, what is that skill and what tree etc
This bug is still persisting, someone killed me and friend in house.
Took all our stuff. Not one wall/door is touched.
This pretty much killed the fun, I had been busting my chops trying to build stone walls around my house.
At least if he made effort to get through my defenses, I would feel somewhat better about this.
But the fact he just exploited some collision hit-box glitch to warp through.

There also needs to be a log message of anyone who enters your house not titled to land claim or doors.
This would stop this exploiting dead in its track.

btw the exploiter raided me in the last 10 hrs of this post, so if you check the player logs you can find out who is ruining players experience.

I logged at 130 am CST, its 1030 am CST now when I posted/