thxs, that was a lot sooner than I expected after your "rarely here" 
Yes, we used Paralith, I was kinda sad, when I found out that it┬┤s ONLY working there.
guess the problem is about DepositGeothermalSpringNumber Multiplier.
We didn┬┤t knew what that could be that┬┤s why we didn┬┤t touched it.
After the nomal first round of oil and pragsources, no new ones spawned.
I could only bring ONE back to life with "clearpasteventlocation" & "spawnAll", and I got no idea wich one it was
We are just starting GONDWANA on an new map, so expect us to call out to you via discord
have a nice start into the week

Yes, we used Paralith, I was kinda sad, when I found out that it┬┤s ONLY working there.
guess the problem is about DepositGeothermalSpringNumber Multiplier.
We didn┬┤t knew what that could be that┬┤s why we didn┬┤t touched it.
After the nomal first round of oil and pragsources, no new ones spawned.
I could only bring ONE back to life with "clearpasteventlocation" & "spawnAll", and I got no idea wich one it was

We are just starting GONDWANA on an new map, so expect us to call out to you via discord

have a nice start into the week