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Messages - Warbot

I heard turrets are planned since a while already, so there is just one thing I'd like to know:

How are you going to make turrets useful, if "dying" in the game is just as harmless as it is now?
You could just put up a t1 claim near a base you want to raid, place a bedroll there and do a quick few stone walls...
I guess you know where that's going.

Are there any plans about this?
Ideas and suggestions / Powered Armor
November 25, 2018, 08:53:40 AM
Yea, the good old "power armor" (actually powered armor) as it became popular with WH40K or the good old Fallout 1 and 2.

Now... what would it add to the game, how to design it, and what can it do...?

First, I'd go for a simpler version that serves mostly a non-combat role,
a powered exo-skeleton like this:
- occupies 2/3 amor slots (chest and legs)
- needs a power source like a power bank
- slow if not powered
- when powered, increases strength (for mining/chopping/melee)
- when powered, can lift up a chest and carry it on the back
- if not powered, and carrying a chest, it gets a harsh movement penalty
- provides only medium protection
- semi-high-end
- quite expensive

Actual powered armor:
I thought about it, like, make it 3 parts or 1?
It needs a power source, usually contained in the chest part and therefore the other parts would not work on their own,
but then again we have powerbanks...
Then again, it should provide serious environmental protection, above hazmat probably or at least on par with it,
and then you should not be able to use helmet alone and get the full protection as it would have no seal without the other parts.

Well, I'd go for one item occupying 3 slots like hazmat and apart suit, the only question is, should it contain a power source or need a powerbank?
And what other bonuses should it have? I'd say a strength bonus like the exo-skeleton, but what else?

Also, killing someone who wears such a power armor, it should have a high chance or breaking, thereby turning into 3 parts of "broken power armor",
that resemble the look, just damaged, and provide lower combat protection, pretty much no environmental protection and a slightly lower strength bonus.

But most importantly, what role should it fill?
Simply being a all-in-wonder super expensive "super" armor for the highest tech tier?
I'm actually not sure about that, ... it could be balanced via weapons like this:
- as suggested in another post, making melee more viable in endgame through certain weapons, dual-wielding and shields (sort-of-riot-shield-like things)...
- should also include hand-held shockers, this could be part of a new category of weapons that deal electric damage (tasers, hand-held shockers, and more advanced weapons to come)
- these could be highly effective against metal based and "high tech armor" and for instance have a chance of disabling them (effectively stunning the target for some time)

But after all, I guess that needs a bit more thought for the details, I just wanted to put it here already. ;)
Ideas and suggestions / WhyNotBoth(...-hands)?!?
November 19, 2018, 11:33:25 AM
how about dual wielding?

- have 2 weapon slots,
- big guns like machine gun occupy both slots
- can have 2 pistols for instance
- selecting either of the (up to two) items in the two slots will select both
- left click is one item activation (like, shooting...) and right click is the other item
=> shoot two pistols
- extended reload period if two guns are used (more than reloading 2, as it's more difficult to reload one if you hold two^^)
- less accurate at long range than using only 1 hand
- probably higher alpha damage than 2-handed-auto-guns
- more variable (see next paragraph)

- could also add (riot-) shields of different tech tiers (wooden, metal, ballistic synthetics,...)
=> shield can be dual-wielded with guns and melee
=> gives melee at least a chance in late game (how about shockers/powered chain-swords/....?^^)
- "using" the shield blocks/lowers incoming damage of only one direction
- can "use" pistol/melee and shield simultaneously => shooting inaccurately and only partial protection
Ideas and suggestions / An alternative to wall spamming
November 15, 2018, 05:15:48 PM
So we all know wall spamming is ugly, and other games have more or less ...intuitive solutions to that (Salem splash damage, I'm looking at ya!).

So what needs to be done?
- reduce the number of possible walls (players will just do whatever is possible)
- balance raiding to compensate for that

How to do that:
I thought long and hard about that, and there might be better solutions, so if you have one, share it! ;)
The thing is that a certain amount of (construction) materials x should provide a certain protection y,
to keep that in balance, in a simple way to just remove the many walls in a first attempt, I propose this:
- devs need to chose (for instance) 3-5, meaning the space required from one wall to the next
- explosive damage range is increased to 3-5 (depending on the dev-chosen walls upgrade levels), this means that putting 1 wall every 3-5 tiles is equally effective as placing 3-5 walls behind each other
- make walls upgradeable in size (small/med/large for 3, some more for 4 or 5), per tier (wood/stone/brick)
- med and large walls (of the same tier) can be build upon small walls of that tier, large walls can be build upon small and med of the same tier
- med walls always cost twice as much as small walls (of the same tier) in total(!), and have twice the hp, no matter if you build small walls first and then upgrade, or build med wallls directly
(cost of building small walls then upgrade to med = cost of building med walls directly)
- large walls have 3 times hp and cost of small walls (of the same tier), otherwise same rules as above
-update chest/claim/... HPs, too, to compensate for the larger explosives range

So the implementation trick would be to make dynamic blueprints (bp), for instance med walls buildable on free space for full cost (one bp), or buildable upon a small wall of that tier for half the cost (different bp), and in the same way for large walls.
Meaning you have just one (for instance) "medium wooden wall" to select from the build menu, but depending on if you target a free tile or a tile with a small wooden wall, you will apply a different blueprint.

NOTE: Ingame notice if you try to build a wall tile next to (within 3-5, depending on what is chosen by the devs) another wall tile that already has "neighbours" in 2 other cardinal directions (thereby is part of an existing wall), you get a message explaining how that is a bad idea due to the (now more realistic) range of explosives.

One could do this even one step further and make upgrades possible between wall tiers, therefore the materials would need to be re-balanced so that neighbouring wall tiers share some materials, like, wooden and stone walls share wood and stone (for tiles and doors), and stone and brick share stone and clay/bricks, so you can "save" the already spent materials when upgrading.
This would meaning upgrading you wooden walls to stone or stone to brick is less expensive than removing the lower tier and building the higher, but still more expensive than just building the higher tier and skipping the lower tier altogether.

This would mean less wall tile spamming, and building up instead of wide, making it easy to start your walls small and upgrade later, making it unnecessary to add (many) more layers of walls later so you can just upgrade them and have much more space inside your base instead of having 80% of the tiles in your base be walls.

Ofc this is just an idea, so if someone has a better idea or a vital addition/change to this one, go share it! ;)
Ideas and suggestions / some 0.17 feedback
November 07, 2018, 01:43:57 AM
- ATP implant should give 2-3 times what it does now

- hygroscopic granules should not make watering unnecessary, but instead multiply the duration of watering (did not test, but that's how I understood the patch notes)

- weakened state is a bit unintuitive, getting instantly killed the moment you receive the first bit of radiation, even with full HP... no
(also seems to make you actually weaker => less mining/chopping speed, which is even worse and totally unrelated) is for dealing with naked rad town looting, but kind of misses the target, here's some more specific solution:
=> death by any source gives "weakened", which simply increases damage received by 50-100% (your choice on that number)
=> death while irradiated gives "afterglow" (or any awesome word you can come up with :D) it does this:
-> doubles (something around that) radiation damage received and
-> causes radiation to slow you, but most importantly
-> prevents you from looting stuff from rad towns, including loot from players dropped in irradiated areas, including your own loot
with that limitation, the actual damage increase from radiation is not even necessary
(make the description something like: "you're so scared of radiation now, that you do not dare to touch anything that glows in the dark" :D)
also, the "afterglow" debuff duration can be much longer than the "weakened" as it ONLY effects rad towns
=> weakened lasts 5 minutes, and 10 minutes are added if dying again while weakened for 15 minutes max total
=> afterglow lasts 10 or 20 minutes and 20 or 40 minutes are added if dying again while having afterglow and being irradiated for a total of 30 or 60 minutes

Some things unrelated to 0.17:
- shouldn't it be possible to make rope from thread?
- shouldn't it be possible to burn thread and fibres like you can burn rope?
Ideas and suggestions / Re: Save storage
October 25, 2018, 05:26:54 PM
I doubt these limitations  make sense.

I am not really convinced of safe storage yet, and would really prefer some actually raiding mechnics (what we have now can hardly be called a raiding mechanic, but that is ok as this is an alpha), but let's see how it all works out first, before throwing balancing at something completely untested.
Ideas and suggestions / Re: Raiding
October 25, 2018, 05:21:54 PM
Quote from: Neoxion on October 25, 2018, 05:52:15 AM
As you also mentioned, you cannot compare this map and whole EVE map - this is a small server which can be easily controlled with 10 people (once they killed all competition) even if you triple its size (what are you gonna do once you killed all competition is a different question). And, for example, whole Serenity server (China) in EVE online was divided between 2 corporations at some point.

No, you can not, by far not compare this with serenity, the chinese have a VERY different approach to EVE, something like that could not happen on tranqulity.

And this is an alpha with a limit of 256 users and a tiny map, once there are proper player numbers and a decent sized map, you hopefully can't control a map with just 10.

But I did not get your point, what do you want to say?
Ideas and suggestions / Re: Trading
October 23, 2018, 01:39:58 PM
Why the hell are people like "all coins must contain gold" and "coins are worthless" or "there should be a loss when turning coins back into metal"?!

That's all so wrong...
Ideas and suggestions / Re: Raiding
October 23, 2018, 01:34:15 PM
Quote from: Neoxion on October 23, 2018, 03:53:33 AM
Any decent size group, who wants to wipe and take over server, will do it and there is no solution for that.
It's not that simple, in EVE, you do not see the biggest group own all the nullsec space at once ... but why?! :D
Because of limits in power projection (wth does that even mean?!) ... that means, you may be able to beat every single other group on the server, and they do not cooperate to beat you by working together, but you can not be everywhere at once.
This further means, the bigger the area is that you control, the more difficult it is.
Well, this does not apply on the tiny current server, as distances are very short, but with a bigger server, and more mechanics and incentive to actually control territory, and not just some oil/lith deposits, you'd see the same effects here.

[edit:] and well, if we had actual raiding mechanics :D as currently you'll have a hard time removing a hostile claim

So if anyone got some ideas, that's the place for it! ;)
Ideas and suggestions / Raiding
October 22, 2018, 03:27:09 PM
I've thought long about raiding mechanics in CF, thinking of EVE, HnH/Salem, ... and it seems there is, by design, not much one could do o.o

first off, wall spamming is cancer, we had that in Salem and therefore "splash damage" was introduced,
basically, if you destroy a wall tile, nearby walls of equal or lower tier take damage, too, like, up to 95% damage :D
not a pretty solution, but it works, not very intuitive I'd say, one could have siege cannons that always hit the next 3-4 tile behind the first walls it hits IF and only IF they are also wall tiles,
which would provide a similar effect but in a more intuitive way... well, that's that.
Maybe there is a prettier solution for it, if you know one, share it please! :-)

Now, in Salem there is also defence (= stuff shooting at you) that you can build, which means much more than the wall(s) in front of it,
this would be something I'd REALLY like to see in CF, but unfortunately, it would be pretty pointless, as there is no risk involved, you'd just respawn, you could make a bedroll next to the base you attack and ... I guess you see the problem
in addition, the low HP compared to what guns do in damage, plus the ease to refill your HP makes this all pretty much impossible to utilize for interesting raiding mechanics
again as example of Salem, re-generating the HP (and other bars) of a high end raid char takes several minutes, also the "crime debuff" after attacking a foreign claim prevents regeneration completely for 5-10 minutes (depending on how close you stay to the location of the "crime"), I doubt that all that would work in CF.

Another problem is, that people tend to first think of "balance" and are either republicans or democrats (israeli or palestinian, get the idea) when it comes to raiding and defending against it, seeing themself only at one side of it and valiantly defending/fighting for that side instead of actual balance.
Did I say balance, well, fuck balance!

As I said that is a main problem, skip balance finetuning entirely for later, as there are much more important thing to do first.
And that is finding raiding mechanics that are ideally:
- fun for both sides (at least somewhat)
- encourage pvp
- benefit from playerskill
- provide risk and reward for both sides
- put the effort of attacker and defender into a suitable relation, with slight advantages for the defending side
(yes, by default, it should provide at least some advantage for the defender, as it makes no sense to need less effort to destroy than to create)
- make sense (completely optional)

And only then you should start balance finetuning, or thinking of how to tweak the mechanics so that a hermit or small group could stand against larger groups,
so long as those groups are not incredibly determined on wiping out all smaller groups on the server, or in other words, how to counter zerging and resource pooling,
so that a decently sized group can simply wipe the server every other day.
And already I am drifting away from the main point... that is:

If you have any great ideas about raiding mechanics that would be fun and would work good for CF, please share! :-)

Ideas and suggestions / Re: Log Off Mechanic
October 20, 2018, 05:29:16 PM
I've seen this problem in other games, and when you want to do a full, open loot pvp system, you can not have that.

The moment you add the ability to logg out and be safe, you force alt-vaulting and a lot of additional work upon the players while crippling an  integral part of the game.

If there'd be ten-thousands of players and dozens of different server types (mods), then yea, why not offer a PvE-ish, softcore-ish version with logging out and safe inventory,
but we're not there yet, and in my honest opinion, this does not belong to the core game.
Ideas and suggestions / Names / Chat / Messages
October 17, 2018, 05:22:30 PM
So I heard these things are getting some work, too.

Just to make sure these are not overlooked, I'd like to bring up some points here:

- Names... you can forget about that completely, anywhere else than in chat you can't read them, and it's not because most people have foreign or hard to read names. ^^
They are just too small and should not scale down below a certain level, on a common resolution while being zoomed out max (mandatory) you can't read any name,
not even speaking of moving yourself or someone else moving while trying to read.

- Important messages... like who's looting your stuff, you won't even know there was a message if you're not staring at it nonstop.
There needs to be a separate chat channel for such messages.

If you're at it anyways, I'd recommend making chat channels fully customizable and easy to use, just have like 2 or 3 default, like:
global chat,
group chat / pm,
system messages / combat messages / environmental messages
but have a "+" next to it enabling to add any number of channels and rightclick->customize each one as you want, to show exactly what you want.
And don't forget to include the options to customize the sound for all that.
Ability to use the mouse-wheel to scroll through your quickbar (1 to 10).

Could be a key to toggle mouse wheel between scrolling and zooming, like, middle mouse button (when not aiming at an inventory, as it is "sort inventory" in that case).


Simply make all 4  (scroll quickbar left/right, zoom in/out) freely configurable in the options/controls so everyone can do what they want like shift-scrollwheel or whatever.
Well, I meant 24h until you need to repair your (partly very expensive) claim(s)... is not enough, but thanks for the detailed info. ;)
(ofc, the time it takes for a claim to start taking damage/decay)

That 24h period is kinda bad,
if you were to be busy in RL or elsewhere, but you don't want to give up on your base in CryoFall,
you have to login once a day, that sounds kinda bad, and you have not much of a margin there.

Let's give you a reverse example.
Cooldowns in modern MMOs.
In ancient times, some "skills, abilities or effects, crafting,..." used to have 24h CDs,
yet, if you have to wait 24h in between, you will postpone it every day a little bit until you miss a day because of your need to sleep.
Therefore, it usually is 23h now instead of 24h, or something along that line.

I'd say the least should be 36h,
if you were to make it 2 days (which would probably be a good timeframe), I'd recommend actually using around 50h-60h instead of 48h due to aforementioned reasons.

...any other opinions regarding this issue?! :-)