some warnings or errors during server creation.

Started by ninekorn, July 16, 2023, 10:17:58 AM


There are again some error related to an achievement like before
To properly determine the culprit please open the latest server log file (in the Logs folder) and scroll to the beginning, then search for [ERR]
The first error entry you see is likely the one which is breaking the server and causing the cascade of the following errors.




Before release i had applied the fix that you had shared in that post . So i used a file with the same name but commented out everything in it and put the script in one of my mpk. The error at the start is gone, but those errors here recently came up when i had the fix already setup. I will check if those errors here happen again.

thank you


If the issue persists, please send the server log to



Hi ai_enabled. I don't want you to search for the errors for no good reasons, the 2nd and 3rd screenshots still had 3 textures error for the Female character textures. You can see in the top right corner of the screenshots, 3 errors relating to the female character. I remember those errors being before i had applied the fix you had suggested in the other post. I think it was just the first screenshot here that i didn't knew where it came from. If it happens again i will send a server log.

thank you,