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Messages - kyokei

Game discussion / Re: Any other servers?
August 21, 2014, 04:38:53 AM
Quote from: FlessenGreendart on August 21, 2014, 03:58:35 AM
Once I get my R-Pi set up, I'm going to be testing if I can host a server on it stably, and then putting that out to the public.
Not sure on the details yet, but I think that the PVP element adds a lot to the game, where if you encounter someone, you have to tread carefully, because they might help you, or they might kill you.

New potential allies, but potentially dangerous enemies and all that..
Agreed with the PVP part but I am a PVE person so that's why kunix is PVE... I can host a second server which has PVP enabled (i like this idea actually :).
About hosting a server on the pi... I don't think this will work as VE server uses atleast 500-600 MB ram and is (atleast at the moment) Very CPU intensive. AI_enabled is working on getting the CPU down but when players are on the server you will need some significant CPU power to handle a few people.

But do try to host it on the PI, I am very curious at your results :)
Hi, it seems this issue has made a come back... I was playing today and again the pirates shields were down, he was at 2 bars health and it didn't matter how much I was shooting at it it wouldn't die, I had to wait for the shields to recharge a bit and then I could kill him.

First time I was using the Endeavour ship, second time the Freighter.

Can you let me know what you need to investigate this?
Help section / Re: Hosting Server help
August 19, 2014, 02:07:51 PM
Can you upload the server logs somewhere so I can take a look at them? Logs are found under voidexpanse/Server/Logs/
Did you make sure that you specifically have UDP open on port 5000?
Can you also specify what kind of system it's running on? (which windows) and if the .net framework version 4 is installed.

Game discussion / Re: Steam greenlight
August 19, 2014, 02:03:39 PM
@Hellwarlord I am so very impressed with the quality of your posts, may I know what you do in real life?

Ontopic: I would also suggest updating the Greenlight page with patch notes and links to the forum.
The vlogs are a good idea but they need to be worked on a bit.
Game discussion / Re: Steam greenlight
August 19, 2014, 04:47:20 AM
Sharing has been done at the youthcenter and at an old guild of mine.
Should see some votes coming in now.
Game discussion / Re: Steam greenlight
August 19, 2014, 04:06:03 AM
How many votes is about 10% of what is needed? I have an idea which I will put in motion.
I am a volunteer at a technical youthcenter and I will get a mail sent out to ask if everyone can vote on VE.

I'll let you know when this has been put in motion
Game discussion / Steam greenlight
August 19, 2014, 02:39:33 AM
Hey Lurler,

How's the Steam greenlight looking? what are the numbers now?

Is there anything that us users can do in the meantime to help out? (besides telling our friends)

Help section / Re: Hosting Server help
August 19, 2014, 02:15:29 AM
Hi Tom,

Reserved slots as far as I know do not exist at the moment. You can however host a server with a whitelist but then only the people on the list will be able to join.

You can run the server on Windows and Linux.
Here is the wiki page: (

@devs, can you move this whole post to the help section?

@Tom, if you have anymore questions let me know :)
Quote from: ai_enabled on August 18, 2014, 09:41:58 PM
v0.9.7c is released now. Issue fixed.
Servers / Re: -PVE- / community server
August 18, 2014, 10:11:20 PM
Quote from: ai_enabled on August 18, 2014, 06:16:57 PM
kyokei, is issue with merchants reproducible in v0.9.7 with the new savegame slot? And what about memory consumption?

UPD: we just released v0.9.7c, it's client only update, so no need to update server!
So far CPU and mem consumption seem normal again, around 5% cpu and 570mb RAM. I haven't played yet on Kunix as I updated it late last night and then went to bed :) Will keep you updated
Same thing just happened on the mac version of 097.
Servers / Re: -PVE- / community server
August 18, 2014, 01:46:49 PM
Updated to 0.9.7 stable - save has been wiped due to issue with merchants.
The other ship I can say that I like, is prolly the's really really easy to get...comes with a missile hardpoint and decent health so it can hold off pirates without too much difficulty....but it's also small, fast and fairly maneuverable with a really really good cargo bay.
It's my preferred mining/trading ship for the early game...and even mid to late game as I find the Freighter just isn't able to adequately defend itself and I don't feel like losing my d to some pirates.
This!, I totally agree with this.
When I saw that the Endeavor was added to the game, I was so happy. This ship is the perfect early game trading/mining ship.
The Freighter these days just feel so so weak and I still find we need a more end game trader/mining ship with more mining slots and a little more firepower, as in better level weapons.

I brought this topic up in some messages I sent to AI but I thought I would make a post out of it also.
One of the major pains at the moment is to update the server version, even more if your server does not have a GUI :).

I would love the idea to have an autoupdate functionality which you can put as an argument when you launch the server.
This functionality would then search for updates every ?hour? and then if one is found it would then update and restart the server.

Added to this it would be great to be able to run the server with an argument that it says to load the Multiplayer_save 0. This way people will be able to build in an auto-restart functionality for if the server crashes. At this moment I could do that but then it would be stuck at the "new or load" screen.

Another idea I just had is to maybe have a server administration webpage which can be access locally. Here you can see the players that are online, you can kick/ban users, whitelist people, chat with the players and restart the server.

Another idea which I have already posted but just want to say again is to show all server available in the server browser and add a "public / private" tag in the ServerSettings file to make it visible or not.

Anything to make running a server easier is really appreciated :D
Bug reports / Re: 0.9.6c Server crash
August 17, 2014, 10:17:34 PM
I think this might have something to do with the server crash... I just logged in this morning and exited the station and saw this: