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Messages - loudent

I can't really leave it up right now. I need to be logged into work VPN and the server definitely wont run in that environment.

But I did another quick test (after you noted that I should wait a minute or two) and noticed that when I selected the sever it said "please wait..." so perhaps I wasn't waiting long enough for it to load. So I waited until the please wait.. went away and tried to connect. I didn't get the error but it appears I hung during connection.

So, the initial problem of version numbers was just a factor of my impatience and lack of attention to detail :)

When I have time tonight I'll go through the server setup (I haven't configured anything, was hoping that for a local connection it would just work) and get it done.

Not sure what you mean by a reboot on your game client.

It's not running right now. I had to shut it down to get some work done.
I'm sure it's a problem with my code. I have no working knowledge of JavaScript so I could be making any number of mistakes. I mostly wanted to make sure there wasn't something missing before I spend hours figuring out what I did wrong.

I'll probably just strip it down to minimal functions and add it piece by piece.

Hi All,

I'm running a test server to test some things out and when I try to connect to the server I get an error that they are incompatible because they are running different versions:

"Your game version is 1.2.8"
"GameServer version is v1.2.8."

The only difference is that game version doesn't have the little "v" in front of the version number.

I know there are people successfully running servers so there must be a way to deal with this.

Any ideas?


In fact that his the very script I used as the basis for the one I created. It simply doesn't appear to be working so I was thinking that there might be additional steps I am missing. It appears that I'm not.

Thanks for the hint about running in multiplayer mode so I can see the output. I'll give that a go and see if I can find out why it isn't working.

Is there any way to use a debugger to step through the code or do I rely on console output?

Hi All,

I'm putting together an event script, in this case OnShipDestroyed). I have an OnInit() function where I bind OnShipDestroyed to a function in the script. I put the script in a mod pack and loaded.  However when a ship is destroyed it doesn't seem to be calling the script (in this case I have a test which sends a notification to the player and the notification doesn't seem to show up). Is there something I need to do to make sure the script is called? (
I realize my original post was unclear. I'm aware of the two functions you mentioned.

What I'm looking for is something like ship.GetCargo(ship_id) which returns all the contents of the cargo in a list (id, count). Same thing with the ship storage space ship.GetStorage(ship_id) which also returns a list of items in a ships storage space.
I've looked through the API for the ships and there's a way to see if it has a specific item and there's a way to see what the ship has equipped, but I'm interested in the contents of both the cargo and the inventory of the ship.

Any way to do that?
Mods / MOD: Stingray Model E hulls
April 15, 2015, 12:59:16 PM
Hey All,

loudent here continuing his campaign of bringing energy weapons to the 4 corners of the Galaxy!

Are you tired of lugging around those clumsy ballistic and high explosive weapons? Are you tired of running out of Ammo? Are you tired of spending your precious time training in "alternate" weapons? Well, worry no more. LD Inc. now brings you two new stingray hulls with the coveted energy weapon hard points! Perfect for the long voyage adventurer or the discerning miner. *This* is not your father's Stingray

Title: Stingray Model E hulls
Author(s): loudent
Description: Adds new versions of the stingray ships with energy weapon hard points
Mod version:1.2.0
Game version:1.2.X
Game mode: ALL
Available on steam workshop or from the nexus at (
Mods / Re: Select your station quest Mod
April 13, 2015, 08:26:11 PM
@ATC. Per your request this mod has been modified both on steam and nexus with the removal of the escort quest.
Game discussion / Re: do shops restock ?
April 08, 2015, 01:41:29 PM
Quote from: Lurler on April 07, 2015, 11:26:07 PM
They update their goods from time to time.

I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that. I made mental mark some time ago where a deathbringer could be purchased and when I went back there, none was to be found, so I went back and visited every station I had ever stopped at and there were no deathbringers. I started doubting myself "Did I really see one?". Felt a bit crazy.

(I ended up flying like 20 systems away into crazy-take-your-shields-down-in-one-shot systems to find one)

I'd be curious what "time-to-time" equates to in actual flying time terms.
Modding info / question about localization
April 08, 2015, 01:29:22 PM
Hey All,

I have a question regarding adding new strings to the game. Will this cause issues if the game is localized to run in a different language? Will it just display the English string if no translation is available?

Modding info / Re: Ship modding
April 06, 2015, 12:28:37 PM
Quote from: Medevac on April 06, 2015, 11:06:42 AM
Like some command line that spawns the ship in your inventory or savegame edit.

Not sure about the steam version but the downloaded version had a way to do that. hit enter to get the chat line and type /additem <id>  where <id> is the id of your hull (without the <>)
Modding info / naming scheme (for modders)
April 06, 2015, 09:48:50 AM
I was contemplating adding some new freighter type ships (e.g. Mark 2 versions of the endeavor and freighter) when it sort of dawned on me that someone very well may use the same file names/and or IDs.

Perhaps modders should be able to register for a naming scheme (3 or 4 alphanumeric characters that they use on their filenames and IDS) if I put an "ldt_ in front of all my file names and ids then it's less likely that it'll collide with another modder's.

I may start doing this going forward either way, but it something for other modders to think about.