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CryoFall - Patch notes v0.15.x (Explosive Update)

Started by Lurler, August 06, 2018, 01:47:38 AM


New CryoFall update is finally live now!

We are looking forward to your YouTube videos and specifically let's plays as well as Twitch streams!

Don't forget to join and follow our social channels and websites:
   - Discord server: https://discord.gg/pRMGjRz
   - Forums: http://forums.atomictorch.com/ (this forum)
   - Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cryofall/
   - Twitter list: https://twitter.com/Lurlerrr/lists/atomictorch-studio
   - Official website: http://cryofall.com/
   - Development blog: https://atomictorch.com/

Now, without further ado, let's see what's new in this version.

=== CryoFall v0.15.2 ===

Major new features:
   - New boreal forest biome with all new vegetation, monsters and resources!
   - Explosives! For now we have added bombs specifically designed for raiding, but we will introduce more explosives (and new wall types) in the next update.
   - Ambient sound system (game environment now feels much more alive!).
   - New monsters: bear, pangolin, crawler, hyena
   - New skills: learning, crafting
   - New loading and splash screens. Looks much better, right? ;)
   - New weapons and related items: .300 heavy rifle, machinegun and .300 ammo.
   - New structure: fermenting barrel to produce alcohol.
   - New sound effects for new and existing game content and features.
   - New night vision helmet with green night vision effect.
   - Completely new visuals for all trees, bushes and mushrooms in the temperate biome.
   - Hammers have been replaced with toolboxes. Now it makes a bit more sense :)
   - New droplist system - now you can be sure that loot in radtowns will be more consistent.
   - New structure: bed.
   - New bricks floor (brick wall will come later too).
   - New coal mineral node that can be found in boreal biome.
   - New tech groups: offense 3, offense 4 and recreation.
   - New glow in the dark mushrooms (don't eat them ;) ).
   - New frame limit option: screen refresh rate.
   - FMOD integration - much better sound engine which will also allow us to use DSP effects in the future (such as echo, reverberation in caves, etc.).

   - Significant balance changes to many aspects of the game.
   - World object spawning now uses local density which drastically improves spawn consistency and ensure no resources will be depleted even if they're mined regularly.
   - Respawn algorithm for players have been significantly improved. Also the spawn areas are modified to ensure a more randomized initial spawn.
   - Quests menu will now have visual indication to show when a quest is completed or unlocked.
   - Quests now track certain actions even if you haven't received the quest yet. Meaning that you won't have to do certain things twice.
   - Walls have been rebalanced to accommodate introduction of explosives into the game.
   - Rebalanced all tools: now better tools offer much higher efficiency when mining/cutting, while skill effect have been reduced accordingly.
   - Improved terrain decals system.
   - Land claim areas now are always visible/highlighted in the structure placement mode.
   - Dropped items after dying will now lose 10% of durability, rather than 30%.
   - Much improved performance and overall gameplay smoothness.
   - Ranged weapon attack vector precision improved.
   - Game builds now use CPK and MPK format for game data (same as in our previous games) which improves loading and installation time significantly.
   - Improved torch/lamp character animations. Also the torch fire position is properly animated.
   - Fullscreen mode is now used by default.
   - Radiation sound effect have been made quieter so it doesn't overpower everything else.
   - Improved inventory shortcuts (e.g. when Shift-click moving items between containers you will never have an item moving to an unexpected destination such as your hotbar).
   - Texture preloading. This ensures that certain visual effects won't be rendered with frameskipping (e.g. muzzle flash & explosions).
   - Added a few minutes pause between the music tracks, and a slow fade-in fade-out effects - so it will be not so intrusive.
   - Wolves and boars were nerfed a bit to make them easier to avoid/kill by the new players.
   - Randomized tree scale (+-15%) to add more variety into the forests.
   - Loot piles and crates now have no free item slots (as you're not supposed to place anything inside them)
   - Now seeds only can be placed in tiles nearby the character.
   - Updated credits.
   - Multitude of other improvements.

   - Fixed many typos and incorrect text in descriptions.
   - Fixed FPS counter.
   - Fixed campfire and other objects consuming fuel even if their output stacks are full (don't waste the fuel!).
   - Fixed "Use mulch" quest requirement cannot be finished.
   - Fixed AI creatures zig-zag movement.
   - Fixed cannot input ! char on AZERTY (same key as /? in QWERTY)
   - Other small fixes.

=== CryoFall v0.15.3 ===
   - Move animation speeds adjusted for several creatures.
   - Shadows adjusted for several creatures.

   - Moved the Toxin recipe from Laboratory to Medical lab (as it should have been).
   - Equipped armor will now only lose 10% of durability on death (previously it was set to 90% by mistake).
   - Invisible player's corpses will no longer create a problem for construction (thanks @p0ki for reporting).

=== CryoFall v0.15.4 ===
   - Walls, doors and land claims are all generally 2X stronger then before. Certain other structures have also been adjusted slightly.
   - Price to craft explosives have been increased to be 2X more expensive (with other slight adjustments).
   - Blast radius for advanced explosives (bomb) have been reduced.

   - Fixed bug: it was possible to place explosives through the door.
   - Fixed bug: it was possible to build structures in the top right corner of the lithium deposit.
   - Fixed bug: if number of players in a land claim or door was too large it broke the UI formatting.
   - Fixed bug: infinite "Game cannot compile" dialog message boxes spamming with editing scripts.

   - The world has been wiped. Enjoy a fresh start!

=== CryoFall v0.15.5 ===
   - Maces rebalanced: dazed special effect duration increased to 3 seconds, chance increased to 6% and 7% for Copper and Iron maces resoectively. Attack animation/interval now 33% slower.
   - Improved player (re)spawn algorithm to ensure the better spawn position (less probability that a player will respawn in a non-claimed walled up area).
   - Players won't respawn in the bed if the area around it is claimed by another player.
   - Bear loot adjusted to be more consistent (thanks @Evil Mammoth).
   - When attacking any structure with fists it will deal zero damage (thanks @Djekke).
   - Physics de-stuck algorithm implemented to ensure characters won't be stuck in another physics body.

   - Berry pie recipe requiring 5 ingredients but Oven has only 4 ingredient slots (thanks @BobTheFish).
   - Special effects (such as bleeding and dazed) were not applied to creatures.
   - Rare issue when player's character couldn't move after the respawn in bed.
   - Loot sometimes not dropping from a dead player (thanks @z00nk).
   - Sound volume option was not working properly (even with volume set to zero player could hear all the sounds as usually; thanks @APXEOLOG).
   - Crafting queue displaying an "empty" recipe on reconnection (thanks @Evil Mammoth and @Daitallica).
   - Barely noticeable color banding ("16-bit color") in night around the light sources.
   - Live recompile crash in certain conditions (thanks @Djekke).   
   - High CPU usage after long server uptime which required regular server reboot.
   - Stumps and fallen trees were playing "falling tree" sound on destroy.
   - (Steam version) the game will ignore screenshot key (F12) to ensure there is no conflict with Steam Client screenshot feature. It's still possible to rebind the screenshot key to another key and use in-game screenshot feature (thanks @Kane Hart).
   - Problem when opening an interaction window (RMB click) and item stack is under the just opened window - sometimes item was taken automatically in the hand (thanks @Evil Mammoth).
   - Fixed bug when the bottom right corner of the map was uncovered for the dead players (unfortunately the fix will apply only to the new characters).

=== CryoFall v0.15.6 ===
    - The game server runtime is ready and we're planning to release it very soon as we finish the documentation.

    - Now mining and woodcutting experience is added proportionally to the structure points of the object (for example, regular iron mineral will give 120 XP total as it has 1000 structure points, but sand pile will give only 30 XP total as it has 250 structure points).
    - Door auto mode will not consider offline players.
    - Post-effects checkbox is removed from the Debug tools overlay (it will be available in the Editor game version only). Please don't use the developer mode (unless you're a modder and require the debug experience).

    - Meat & Mushrooms stew recipe requiring 6 ingredient slots but Oven has only 4 ingredient slots (thanks @Sarai0989).
    - Major performance drop with the land claims visualization (very noticeable when building/destroying on the EU server).
    - Properly restore the time continuum after loading the server snapshot/savegame (bug with the incorrectly long plant growth time after server restarts after a patch, also bug with the berries growth duration).
    - Items desync: when a manufacturing output item is moved from the output slot while its count is incremented on the server side (thanks @Daitallica).   
    - Exploit introduced in the 0.15.5 when players were able to push each other through the walls.
    - When disconnecting from the game server during the world map loading in background, it spammed errors in the console.
    - Object owners list UI: adding a new user right after construction of certain objects (e.g. door or land claim) led to an issue when the creators username displayed twice in the owners list.




v0.15.3 released and the release notes above are updated.


New v0.15.4 is out with significant defense/offense balance changes and bugfixes.


v0.15.5 released and the release notes above are updated.


v0.15.6 released and the release notes above are updated.