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[Client+Server] Cryofall Improved Mod (Mod updated: November 7th, 2024)

Started by Tactical Soap, May 05, 2023, 09:01:57 AM

Tactical Soap

Cryofall Improved is a mashup of multiple mods and various Quality of Life changes to the game.

Current Server running mod: "CryoHardcore w NPC" listed under the "Modded" section in game.

This server is currently PvP. However, bombs have been move to later tiers and there is a way to store extra items so you are not fully wiped from a raid (see below for more info).

Download mods from our Discord: **NEW LINK** https://discord.gg/jrcY5TqaYd
Channel: #mods-to-install

Mod list:
ΓÇó   Duality map (by SavingPrivatePyle)
ΓÇó   Tech Expansion (by MightyMonte)
ΓÇó   Hardcore Desert (by Mars)
ΓÇó   More Pragmium Armor (by Cosiek)
ΓÇó   Auto Messages (by Gunman435)
ΓÇó   Skeleton/Zombie MOB (by ninekorn)
ΓÇó   Boss Fight-Alpha Crab (by AnDrew0o)
ΓÇó   Secateurs (by BobTheFish)
ΓÇó   HEV Suit (by BobTheFish)
ΓÇó   GTA mod (by ai_enabled) [Disabled on PvE version]

****See posts below for updates!****

Game and Mod changes:
Base game
ΓÇó   Primitive bombs were moved to Tier 4. Modern Bombs & Resonance bombs are now Tier 5.
ΓÇó   (PvE version) You now spawn with a Revolver and 140 bullets, to help you early on with all the crazy wildlife and NPCs (mainly crossbow guys).
ΓÇó   (PvP version) You now spawn with a Revolver and 30 bullets on both fresh spawn and every time you die. Feel free to ΓÇ£dupeΓÇ¥ your revolver and bullets, because it doesnΓÇÖt do much to lvl 2+ enemies.  ;)
ΓÇó   Vehicle tech moved from Tier 3 to Tier 2 (gas canisters added to trash piles until T3 activated). Hover board 2 moved to Tier 3 and Hover board 3 (tech expansion) moved to Tier 4.
ΓÇó   Turret range increased to that of a sniper rifle.
ΓÇó   Mineral Ore Processing Plant moved from Tier 4 to Tier 3.
ΓÇó   Trash can moved from T3 to T2 under Tinker Table.
ΓÇó   No Build Zone added in center desert between Teleport and Boss Event.
ΓÇó   Added additional ways to finish most (if not all) quests(e.g. Iron Tool Quest will get credit from Iron Tools or Steel Tools; Farming Quest will get credit from ANY type of watering can; Craft Ranged Weapon Quest will get credit from Paper Cartridge or Black Power and Musket or 8mm guns; etc.).
ΓÇó   Added new exit to radiation zone in A2 (duality map).
ΓÇó   Added new outpost south of Radiation Zone in A2, to stop the ability to build close to new exit.
ΓÇó   Added additional debris and fencing around Radiation Zone in E2, to stop the ability to build so close to zone.
ΓÇó   Added additional Hair colors (Green, Purple, Red, Teal and hot Pink).
ΓÇó   Added more vibrant colors to both of the color choices for Factions.
ΓÇó   Added more Faction icons to choose from (Jolly Roger, Punisher, Illuminati, Thug Sunglasses, and others).

Tech expansion
ΓÇó   Combat skills cap at 50, non-combat cap at 100. Combat skills attack speed capped at 60% (down from 100% which was full auto and no reload).
ΓÇó   Removed ALL weapon parts and the ability to build most guns. All new guns added to drop tables of Weapon Box, Spaceship Event and Space Debris Event (there was too much clutter with an extra 50 or so weapon parts).
ΓÇó   Gamma Turret (T5) added to game.
ΓÇó   Changed stone recipe in Mineral Ore Processing Plant to clay recipe.
ΓÇó   Laser Scatter Gun increased firing speed.
ΓÇó   Removed Learning Point, Skill Point and Anti Dazed buffs from both types of Marijuana.
ΓÇó   Reduced the amount of White/Yellow powder nodes on mountains.
ΓÇó   Uranium nodes removed from Mountains and moved to Volcanoes as well as a new Uranium Volcano.
ΓÇó   Uranium ammo is now more expensive to craft (due to higher damage).
ΓÇó   Large Safe now takes up two squares (like a large steel crate). Large Safe moved from Tier 3 to Tier 4.
ΓÇó   Lowered health of Boss NPCs.

Hardcore Desert
ΓÇó   Small, Large and Freezer bag now able to be filled.
ΓÇó   Increased Logistic Robot speed slightly.
ΓÇó   Vehicle Remote moved from Tier 4 to Tier 5.
ΓÇó   Ender chest is now indestructible. You can hold 24 of your most precious items. This in combination of the land claim storage will hopefully allow you to not be fully wiped!

Boss Fight-Alpha Crab
ΓÇó   Changed physics so it no longer gets stuck on things.

As well as, a bunch of other changes that I am probably forgetting.

Lastly, you will die A LOT on this mod. Don't be discouraged!!!

****Scroll down for updates!****

Tactical Soap

Update: May 28th, 2023

ΓÇó   GTA mod reactivated for PVP ΓÇô You can steal other peopleΓÇÖs vehicles and yours can be stolen too!
ΓÇó   All turrets can now hurt enemies whether it be players, NPCs or animals.
ΓÇó   All LMGs ammo clips are set to 75 bullets. All damage lowered a little bit due to attack speed. 8mm lower than 10mm; 10mm lower than .300.
ΓÇó   Nerfed the amount of health Enraged Meat healed for.
ΓÇó   New primitive healing item added to game.
ΓÇó   Durability of Pruning Shears tripled.
ΓÇó   Rainbowsteel Fences added to game. ~5x Stronger and more durable than normal fences and VERY colorful!
ΓÇó   Ender chest can be used to send materials from one land claim to another. Ender chest is basically indestructible and can be used to store your most precious materials. This will help when PVP is activated so you donΓÇÖt lose ALL of your items.
ΓÇó   Pragmium Rifle bullet spread reduced a bit to help it be more lethal.
ΓÇó   Added a lot more item recipes to Repair Bench.

Tactical Soap

Something new may be lurking in the next update!
https://youtu.be/Danwcc651Lc (https://youtu.be/Danwcc651Lc)

Tactical Soap

Update: June 29th, 2023

ΓÇó    MechA added to Uranium Volcano.
ΓÇó    Reduced build cost of Super Heavy Walls.
ΓÇó    Nerfed range and ammo capacity of Auto Xbow. It was also moved to Tier 4. With explosive arrows, it was too OP.
ΓÇó    Added saplings for Cactus, Durian Tree and Banana Tree.
ΓÇó    Desert Princess can no longer spawn Raider Boss or Giant Crab (and will not spawn MechA).
ΓÇó    Updated Gold Mineral texture.

Tactical Soap

Quote from: Tactical Soap on May 28, 2023, 01:52:31 PM
Update: June 29th, 2023

ΓÇó    MechA added to Uranium Volcano.
ΓÇó    Reduced build cost of Super Heavy Walls
ΓÇó    Nerfed range and ammo capacity of Auto Xbow. It was also moved to Tier 4. With explosive arrows, it was too OP.
ΓÇó    Added saplings for Cactus, Durian Tree and Banana Tree.
ΓÇó    Desert Princess can no longer spawn Raider Boss or Giant Crab (and will not spawn MechA)
ΓÇó    Updated Gold Mineral texture.

Modded server, "CryoHardcore w NPC" just wiped for this update.
Discord: https://discord.gg/VKUMveAuRa
For mod files and mod install help as well as patch notes. Lots of changes from base game!
2man teams  w/ allies for this wipe.

Tactical Soap

If you were planning on checking out, "Cryohardcore W NPC" server it has JUST been wiped! Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/VKUMveAuRa for mods and install instructions!

Update: July 07th, 2023

ΓÇó   Added craft recipe for .300 Blank ammo.
ΓÇó   Added craft recipe for Needle ammo.
ΓÇó   Reduced the amount of Crossbow NPCs (you should die a little less  ;D].   
ΓÇó   Added (ninekorn's) Zombie mod.
ΓÇó   Fixed numerous exploits.
ΓÇó   Rebalanced ALL ammo types.
ΓÇó   Rebalanced ALL energy weapons.
ΓÇó   Starting player health is now 125.
ΓÇó   Electric Stove and Electric Furnace output increased to 8 slots.
ΓÇó   Added 7 new SMGs to drop tables.
ΓÇó   Ender Crate no longer moveable.
ΓÇó   Desert Princess no longer destroys buildings through walls.
ΓÇó   LMGs will deteriorate faster due to the amount of heat generated from their high rate of fire.
ΓÇó   Added another teleport to Iron Island. Total of 2.
ΓÇó   Lowered Vehicle Skill from 100 to 50. At 100, you could shoot without ever having to reload :o.

Updated Map:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1028435030831267885/1127042246194249768/image.png (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1028435030831267885/1127042246194249768/image.png)

Tactical Soap

If you were planning on checking out, "Cryohardcore W NPC" server it has JUST been wiped! Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/VKUMveAuRa for mods and install instructions!

Update: July 19th, 2023

ΓÇó    Electric Furnace NOW has output increased to 8 slots
ΓÇó    Added 11 new Rifles to drop tables
ΓÇó    Reduced all TASER ammo by half.
ΓÇó    ALL new weapons locked behind Tier Gates. Whether it be from Boxes, Events or NPCs. (E.g. Submachine guns can be found T3 until T5, Machine guns T4+, Pistols until T4, Shotguns T3 until T5, Energy Weapons T4+, etc.)
ΓÇó    Ammo is also locked behind tiers: 8mm & 20ga are before T3; 9mm, 4x7, 5x7, .38, .44, .45, .357, 8ga, & 12ga are before T4; 10mm & .50 are T3+; .300, 5x45, 5x56, 7x39 & 7x62 are T4+; Lastly, .30, .50EM & 577TREX are found in T5.
ΓÇó    Renamed, ΓÇ£Rainbow FenceΓÇ¥ to ΓÇ£Reinforced FencingΓÇ¥ and given a new look.
ΓÇó     Changed Scout NV from Nemesis purple to NV Green.
ΓÇó    Prag KingΓÇÖs damage was increased. Time to kill Prag King reduced to 45 minutes from 1.5 hours.
ΓÇó    Removed end game guns from repair bench. (End game guns are designed to be found/break/thrown away ΓÇô Not repaired!)
ΓÇó    Fixed the ability to build close to wall near E-2 Rad Town.
ΓÇó    Increased the amount of NPCΓÇÖs in Rad towns by a smidge.
ΓÇó    Fixed Ender Crate bug.
ΓÇó    Added a Custom Minigun (Vulcan Cannon) for the Crusher Mech.
ΓÇó    Crusher Mech Armor now has 150 less armor than Behemoth, but can move at 2.0 speed (Behemoth = 1.6 speed) and farm Trees/Minerals like a Prag hammer.
ΓÇó    Added Santa Hat and Jack-O-Lantern skin (normally a Cloth Hat skin) to Leather, Fur, Military and Assault Helmet skins.
ΓÇó    All Energy Weapons Armor Piercing reduced to .2 ( like the HEAT/RAD/PSI/COLD/etc. ammo of normal guns)
ΓÇó    All end game rifles, ΓÇ£Damage Multiplier was reduced.ΓÇ¥ Hopefully this will make them less ΓÇ£OP!ΓÇ¥
ΓÇó    Next wipe will have Player to Player damage set @ .8 rather than 1.0 (normal). This should allow for more PvP.
ΓÇó    Increased the damage of RAD ammo (across the board) a smidge.
ΓÇó    Removed Global Cooldown from Cocaine & both types of Marijuana.
ΓÇó     Several tribesmen ditched their crossbows, picked up iron maces, and made their way to all of the bridges to defend their lands!

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1028435030831267885/1127042246194249768/image.png (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1028435030831267885/1127042246194249768/image.png)

Tactical Soap

If you were planning on checking out, "Cryohardcore W NPC" (PvP) server, it will be wiping soon. We will also be adding a new PvE server later this week. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/VKUMveAuRa (https://discord.gg/VKUMveAuRa) for mods and install instructions.

Update: August 09th, 2023
(Server wipe within 24hours)

ΓÇó    The (Red/White/Green/Yellow and Purple) Super Pragmium Suits (items) are now skins for the Super Pragmium Suit.
ΓÇó    HEV Suit (item) is now a skin for A.P.A.R.T. Suit.
ΓÇó    Removed GTA from PvE version and changed the Oil pumps and Lithium Extractors to be built next to each other and on any surface (like vanilla PvE servers). Lowered the spawn rate for Melee Tribesmen in PvE version. Again these changes are for the PvE version ONLY.
ΓÇó    Lowered the amount of Zombies across the map (the increase was done in error).
ΓÇó    Lowered fire rate of 20ga shotgun.
ΓÇó    Moved CRUSHER Mech + Harvesting tools from Tier 5 to Tier 4.
ΓÇó    Added a sword for the CRUSHER Mech for defensive purposes (e.g. Mobs like Skeletons that don't run away from vehicles).
ΓÇó    Added new colors for Long Beard character skin.
ΓÇó    Added rainbow hair color.
ΓÇó    Added 2 new respirator skin colors.
ΓÇó    Added mountain area in center desert between TP and Boss Arena (like the updated duality map).
ΓÇó    Added a southern entrance into center desert Boss Arena (like the updated duality map).
ΓÇó    Added a Uranium Fuel Cell (new item). 2x the fuel of a Pragmium Fuel Cell. (recipe subject to change, as it is probably easier to make 2 pragmium fuel cells)  :P
ΓÇó    Added a command to change LP into XP for any skill of your choice. However, we will not allow and LP to XP for Combat skills or Survival skill (at least for this wipe). You have to request this through @rebeldragon86 or @tactical_soap  in game or via discord. Thanks to @djato for this idea and code!

Updated Map:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1028435030831267885/1139050148589228122/image.png (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1028435030831267885/1139050148589228122/image.png)


Very nice updates!  Thank you guys for hosting a PVE server.

Tactical Soap

If you were planning on checking out, "Cryohardcore W NPC" (PvP) server, it will be wiping soon. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/VKUMveAuRa for mods and install instructions.

Next update (August 24th, 2023):
ΓÇó    Added new Oasis (sulfur and salt peter) to the Winter Biome.
ΓÇó    Added ammo drops to Zombie and Skeleton loot tables.
ΓÇó    Reduced the amount of Prag Spires.
ΓÇó    Lowered spawn rate of melee tribesmen (shouldnΓÇÖt be at EVERY bridge and shouldnΓÇÖt respawn INSTANTLY).
ΓÇó    Added the same loot table as MECHA, Alpha Crab and Boss NPCs to the Enraged Prag Bear and Enraged Large Prag Bear. It will now be worth finishing the Mutant Migration (base raid) event.
ΓÇó    Increased gather amount of Green herbs.
ΓÇó    Increased the amount of ammo that drops from the Space Debris event (50 to 500).
ΓÇó    Moved High-Tech comps from T4 to T3. Now you can actually craft Hoverboards in T3.
ΓÇó    Durability of all Melee Weapons has been lowered. You will need more of them if you want to eco raid.
ΓÇó    Durability of all CRAFTED Guns has been increased.
ΓÇó    Reduced the amount of durability lost upon death (15% to 10%).
ΓÇó    Lowered Lithium/Oil production (PvE only)

Updated Map:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1028435030831267885/1144084487416840274/image.png (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1028435030831267885/1144084487416840274/image.png)

Tactical Soap

If you were planning on checking out, "Cryohardcore W NPC" (PvP) server, it was just wiped! Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/VKUMveAuRa for mods and install instructions.

Tactical Soap

If you were planning on checking out, "Cryohardcore W NPC" (PvP) server, it was just wiped! Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/VKUMveAuRa for mods and install instructions.

Update: September 20th, 2023

ΓÇó    Nerfed range and damage of some Energy Weapons.
ΓÇó    'Super Heavy Armor' changes: Added "Cannot Break Bones" and "-100% Dazed" (basically has EXO Skeleton implant built in). Also increased movement speed by 5% from -15% to -10%.
ΓÇó    Added 5% health to every implant.
ΓÇó    Added 5% Skill XP & 5% LP gain to 'Nanofiber Muscle' implant.

Tactical Soap

Server has been reset with the following changes (download from discord):

- Added more health to all Mechs.
- Added more health to Mecha.
- All Taser ammo now has 100% pierce to inflict slow, however, it does 0 damage.
- Increased meteorite resources.
- All energy weapons were changed. They are no longer perfectly accurate.
- Removed run speed from Buga Suga.
- Added LP and Skill exp to Buga Suga.
- Added LP exp to one joint (medical item) and Skill exp to the other one.
- Hopefully fixed the Ender Crate bug.


I tried to download this with the Discord link, but got the message "Invite Invalid".
Then I get a different link, which asks me for a phone # to verify my account. Which is a problem, because:
  1) I don't have a Discord account
  2) I have a landline, so no texts for me

Is there any way for me to download this mod? For that matter, I would settle for the "Tech Expansion" portion of the mod, which is what excites me most, but I don't see that hosted separately anywhere either.

Thanks, I greatly appreciate any help you can offer! I was all pumped to play this mod, then disappointed when I discovered I couldn't download it. :(

Also, is the full thing available for download? (client & server?) I play exclusively PvE, and have limited bandwidth, so I'd prefer to play it locally.

Tactical Soap

Newest update (11/7/24):

•    New armor sets have been added to improve melee viability, especially in PvP (this is the new feature we had to test).

•    T2 weapons (mainly pistols) now have larger clips and higher fire rates.

•    Removed the ability to craft/disassemble all types of Uranium Ammo.

•    Uranium Ammo drop rates and quantities have been reduced, as it is currently the most powerful ammo type.

•    All FMJ Ammo damage has been slightly increased.

•    The Heavy Battle Rifle now correctly uses .50 ammo. Its clip size and fire rate have also been increased.

•    The Molot Vepr AK74 now correctly deals damage.

•    The Crusher Mech has been moved to T3.

•    Added the following melee weapons to the Prag Queen/King and Sand Tyrants drop tables:
    o    Cold Glaive (50% Cold / 50% Impact damage)
    o    Heat Glaive (50% Heat / 50% Impact damage)
    o    Kinetic Sledgehammer (50% Explosion / 50% Impact damage)
    o    Uranium-Infused Sledgehammer (50% Radiation / 50% Impact damage)
    o    Demon Edge (50% Psi / 50% Impact damage)

•    Removed all TASER Ammo from non-rifle calibers.

•    Updated all Repair Bench recipes.

•    Added Slingshot and Ammo as a handcrafted recipe. You will now spawn with these instead of the Revolver and Ammo.

Last but not least:
•    Updated all loot tables for PvE.