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Messages - loudent

So, much of the space seems a bit lifeless. Mostly because mobs (pirates) seem to outnumber the NPCs by a huge margin. One idea I was thinking of is a mining operation

Near a bunch of asteroids there would be a mining base (not a real base in the sense that you can land) and a bunch of miner ships going from the asteroids to the mining station with loads of ore. You could have defense ships patrolling the area. Then you could script up some freighters to go from the mining station (which refines the ore) to a "manufacturing" station somewhere else (perhaps same system, perhaps another one). the freighters would be loaded with ore and there can be escorts. Then yet another set of scripted freighters going form the manufacturing plants to the actual stations. again, with possible escorts.

Suddenly you have a pretty vibrant set of systems. You could decide to pirate them or, perhaps they even would have hauling missions (like the mining/trade missions we get now
Ideas and suggestions / taking a page from Skyrim
April 04, 2015, 03:51:57 PM
One of the cool things about skyrim is that you could kind of pick a direction and wander and every once in a while you stumble on something unique and/or interesting. A super tough mob with some tasty loo, perhaps min that needs clearing or even nude bathers in the hot pools.

I would love to see things like that in this game. Give me a reason to fly off into the far off sectors just to see if anything interesting is there.
Game discussion / Re: Questions...
April 04, 2015, 03:41:34 PM
1) Yes, pretty much all that
2) Among other things it determines the items that the stations inside have access to (it must exceed the tech rating of an item to have it
3) bug
4) Not sure, I think you have to do it manually
Mods / Select your station quest Mod
April 04, 2015, 03:20:02 PM
Author(s): Loudent
Description: Allows the player to select the type of quest you can get from the station commandsrs instead of it being random
Mod version:1.1.1
Game version:1.2.x
Game mode: SP (MP maybe)
Download: Steam Workshop or from the nexus at: (

Allows the player to select the station quest instead of it being randomly assigned.

There are 6 quests that can be assigned:
Bounty contract
Save Mission
Trade task
Delivery task
Mining task
(only the first two are available in the starting sector)

This is a fairly simple mod made in a way that I can use the existing string assets. It takes the mission descriptions and puts it in a choice list for the player. When selected the conversation proceeds as if that was the option generated  randomly.

You cannot have more than 3 quests active and you can't have two of the same type.


Help section / Re: Game stopped saving!
April 04, 2015, 10:53:06 AM
Will do. Note: If I load the game, then rename the save slot and use /save it does rewrite the save slot. However, after that it fails to save again. I've tried switching it to other slots but the fail to save persists.

Keep in mind it has been working fine for days until about an hour ago (mid flight)

EDIT: It seems the /save command will save no matter what, but I have to wonder why nothing else is triggering a save.
EDIT2: So I looked at the logs and for some reason the only saves being done automatically (either on timer or save and quit) are being done to the stats.db. So the game CAN save (which is why /sove works) but the event isn't being triggered by anything else. I might restart my entire system but I'm in the middle of some modding.
EDIT3: Ok, I'm getting hit with what I think is some anti-duping protection or something. But If I go to a station and sell of a bunch of assets and forget to manually save, when I load it back up, the items are gone, the money isn't there and I'm back at my last save point.
Help section / Game stopped saving!
April 04, 2015, 10:36:31 AM
So, I've  been running this game fine until about 40 minutes ago. The game just randomly stopped saving (like literally while in the middle of an autopilot run).

I didn't realize it until I logged back on and was like: "Why am I sitting at this jumpgate and not in the station I logged off in?" I also noticed that some points I had allocated were unallocated. So I flew back to the station, re-allocated the points and logged off again (save and quit). When I logged back on I was in the middle of space again with the points unallocated. I took a look at the save file location. Last save time was ~hour ago. loaded up, saved and quit again. Still no go. I reset the permissions in the directory and even restarted steam. Still. No saving any more.

any ideas?
Game discussion / Do chests ever refill?
April 04, 2015, 09:31:40 AM
So I just discovered there are loot containers guarded by tough opponents scattered around the systems. Do these ever regenerate or is it a once only (or once per reload or something?)

Edit: hmm, so far I've only found I small piece of alien tech in them. Is there ever anything else?
Game discussion / Re: Trade Routes
April 04, 2015, 12:23:51 AM
Do we have access to a DB? Perhaps all trade routes the player learns can be stored and then displayed on any public terminal. It's something to think about modding if we have the tools.
Thanks, glad you like it
Modding info / Re: can't load image file
April 03, 2015, 08:02:36 PM
The original question was a mod failing to load in game, but I discovered the answer but there is no way to delete a post.
In order for you to use it in MP the server must have the mod as well. This should work fine if you're the host but you can't join someone else's server with any mod active that the server doesn't have. (I think, devs might clarify)
are you playing MP or SP? I'm not sure it matters but it might. I've played with the mod activated for hours so there must be something different.
Mods / Re: Steam Mod Uploading tool
April 03, 2015, 01:26:18 AM
Just keep in mind that you have to include an image. If you don't it will fail
Let me know when you find them. I'd be interested in any feedback.
After you complete the quest to be recruited you can talk to the faction leader on the capitol station (should have said as such. something like giving you access to the bridge). When you talk to him, hey gives you more missions. Not sure how many since I'm still working through the game.