V1.4.9 - suggestions

Started by nicoxnoise, July 15, 2015, 05:16:02 AM


Hello all,
after near of 30 hours (lvl 60) on the game, i come here to give you some suggestions.

First of all, the game is excellent, you did a great job !

- is it possible to have informations on the galaxy map about the locations of the differents ships we bought ? usually i use map annotations (way points)
- is it possible to have informations about our stock on differents bases ? it's hard to remember all that we stock on the differents bases
- when a pnj merchant is killed by pirates or aliens, it would be fun to get notification and a new quest: kill the <pirate's name>, and if this pirate or alien has killed more than X merchants a special reward can be provided
- More asteroïds diversity (differetns forms, differents colors, differents sizes, etc.)
- More base diversity
- more ennemies diversity (cargos, bases to destroy, etc.)
- more ship
- crafting: with items we found (mining, fighting, etc.)
- Escorts quests
- protecting quest (protect a base, protect a merchant, protect a convoy, etc.)
- Merchants in space could sell more differents things instead just "Fuel" (what they found in space)
- some galaxy zone could be attacked by pirates and aliens, and we should fight to recover the zone

These are differents ideas, perhaps some are ridiculous, perhaps some are more interesting

Thanks a lot for your answer


Hi! Thank you for your question.
Ok, let's do that in a the order it was asked:

- No, we are not planning to implement the feature which shows where in a galaxy you have your property stored. Actually, in VoidExpanse you earn enough money just to buy yourself a new toys not looking for old ones.
- The same, no. The stock in the shops generates every couple of minutes, and the way there is usually longer than that time. So you don't need to know former or even current stock, it just doesn't make sense.
- They are the nameless spawn, so we cannot identify or mark some NPC's for quests.
- We have a really rare ones, maybe you haven't found them?
- Oh, we added a new kind of space stations with a different functionality in the last content update. Not planning anything new currently, but maybe in the future.
- No crafting is planned currently. And, yes, no we are not planning some major changes. Only stability and content updates.

The ideas are actually really good for some modding, which is easy-to-learn and flexible with VoidExpanse.


Hello !
Thanks a lot for your answer !

"- The same, no. The stock in the shops generates every couple of minutes, and the way there is usually longer than that time. So you don't need to know former or even current stock, it just doesn't make sense."

I don't speak about the shops 's stock, i speak about our own stock (we can stock differents things in each bases)

A friend bought the games yesterday ;-) and we are playing together on the "NicoXnoise" public server (my own server) so we could test the multiplayer.
- It's hard to find place of the players, the only information is when we are in the same system. It would be great to get players's icone in the galaxy map and when players are in the base
- A group function would be really appreciated to get minimap player's icone informations
-More interactions between players when they are in the same base (explore inventory and cargo stock and buy directly from the player's stock, perhaps a "seller" storage in base and ship ?)