Need help exporting my ship from Maya2013

Started by [FSM]Chefkoch, November 06, 2015, 02:36:04 AM



i rebuild the Cobra MK2 from the Classic Elite Game just for testing but i can┬┤t export it correctly to OBJ :(
I┬┤m using Maya2013 for my models.
When i export it to OBJ and try to load it into VE Physics Tool, it doesn┬┤t show up  :-\

In the wiki i found some settings for blender to export to OBJ but i can┬┤t use them for Maya.
Anyone has an idear how to setup maya to export OBJ correctly?

thx and cu

P.S. Sorry for my english, i┬┤m out of school for years :D
In god we trust, others pay cash :D


There is a wiki article with that information.

Specifically it has a section with export configuration.


Yes, thats what i found at the wiki.
But that did not help me because i don┬┤t have most of the options in the maya exporter :(

Thats all i got in maya:
With this settings, it does not work  :-\
In god we trust, others pay cash :D



This may be just a scale issue. Also the common issue is that the Mayb OBJ exporter produce quads, not triangles. The game cannot load OBJ built with quads properly.

I think it would be easier if you export to FBX from Maya, import from FBX to Blender and then export with the recommended settings.




yes, i think i┬┤ll make it that way  :-\
Thx ;)
In god we trust, others pay cash :D