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Topics - Daitallica

Servers / Hadleys Hope LV426 Modded Hardcore? PvE
April 13, 2019, 11:00:55 AM
Looking for volunteers to test my new server
Higher stats,more resources, more loot, faster LP
Higher mob density,
Mobs are at least twice a tough to kill,
No mobs retreat,
All mobs are aggressive
This will just be a test, so until balancing is final, expect a few server wipes
Oh and a word of advice, on this server, the chickens nugget you

Co-operative/group play is encouraged as going solo you will die... a lot

Please contact me on discord via the feedback channel if you find any issues,
or on my cryofall servers discord server : https://discord.gg/gKzq4pV

****Now includes Farming Plus by J0hnBane****

Download from https://github.com/Daitallica/Hadleyshope (https://github.com/Daitallica/Hadleyshope)
Ideas and suggestions / Server monitoring
October 23, 2018, 10:39:30 AM
an app or web interface that you can log into your server on your phone or
web browser or dedicated app so you can see who is online and look at the logs ?
Servers / Hadleys Hope LV426 Modded
October 22, 2018, 09:20:43 AM
Modded Server

Language = English

The following Mods will be required to play =
Hadleys Hope (by Daitallica)
Energy Boost (by Daitallica)
Camels (by BobTheFish)

You can also find the files and installation details here :

Description =
A server where co-operation is encouraged and fights must be agreed upon
Griefing, spawn killing and walling people in will not be tolerated

There will probably be more rules added as things get ironed out.

But the most important thing is, don't be a douche!
Servers / Hadleys Hope LV426 Vanilla
October 22, 2018, 05:02:36 AM
A vanilla Server

Language = English

Description =
A server where co-operation is encouraged and fights must be agreed upon
Griefing, spawn killing and walling people in will not be tolerated

There will probably be more rules added as things get ironed out.

But the most important thing is, don't be a douche!
Mods / Big Bad Wolves Mod
September 24, 2018, 04:11:55 AM
Big Bad Wolves
Have you thought that the vanilla wolf was a bit weak, then look no further, big bad wolves never back down
so they wont run away with low health.

Added two new wolves
Alpha Wolf:
Bigger,stronger and faster than the vanilla wolf, you can outrun it... just

Dire Wolf:
Bigger, stronger and faster than the Alpha Wolf, you can't out run it... at all.... ever..
It's a fight to the death!

Copy to your "/Cryofall/Data/Mods/" folder

edit your "/Cryofall/Data/ModsConfig.xml" so it look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

and you're good to go, any issues hit me up on the Cryofall discord Channel

If you use them, give a guy some credit ;)
Game discussion / Recommended specs for server
September 22, 2018, 04:21:14 AM

What are the recommended computer specs to run
a linux cryofall server with about a 100 player limit?

Or if there's an equation to work out the specs needed
Modding info / Mob height/scale/size
September 21, 2018, 12:37:01 PM
What's the difference between "CharacterWorldHeight" and "WorldScale"
I've been messing about with modding and servers, these are the edits made so far :

      Max Skill Level = 50,
      Faster XP,
      Bigger Stacks :
         Fiber                      - 1000
         Charcoal                    - 250
         Water Bottles               - 250
         Food                      - 100
         Powders(salt,black,nitro etc) - 1000
         Water bottles (empty & full)  - 250
   -Well now has a capacity of 10000 (around 100? bottles) and refills 4 times faster
   -Enemies no longer run away on low health and they provides slightly more xp,
        -Coal now spawns in all biomes, also spawns with less density as its now widely available
        -Pink Mushrooms now spawn in all biomes
        -Waterbulbs now spawn in Desert, (until cacti are implemented)
   -Rubber Trees now spawn as much as the other trees
   -Oven has 2 fuel slots
   -Furnace has 4 fuel slots
   -Oil & Lithium buildings have 4 fuel slots

I think that's it, if you notice anything else let me know and I will add it to the list.

Download here:
Hadleys Hope (http://cryofallmods.evailable.co.uk/Mods/Daitallica/HadleysHope.mpk)

Copy to your "/Cryofall/Data/Mods" Folder

edit your "/Cryofall/Data/ModsConfig.xml" so it look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

and you're good to go, any issues hit me up on the Cryofall discord Channel
Modding info / Quests/Skills
September 11, 2018, 01:14:17 PM
When I change the requirements for quests, for example
Gather Resource quest 40 Fiber instead of 20, the quest will still show it requires 20, however I will still need to collect 40, the ui then shows 40/20

With Skills I have maxed the skills to 50 and changed the xp requirement however the UI still shows the old numbers.
I have implemented this on the server and client
Modding info / Excited for modding
September 10, 2018, 12:43:46 AM
Can't wait for this to be supported.
I have sooooo many questions!!

I've been messing about with the code, managed to do some things, but struggling with others.

Keep up the good work guys!!!
Ideas and suggestions / Player stations
March 01, 2017, 02:12:33 PM
The ability to make your own stations would be cool

Perhaps have it like the ship screen, but instead of ship parts you can hire staff.
Staff could make the station more appealing to merchants
Engineers could increase profit for fixing ships
Just a thought that popped into my head just now