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Topics - ZerOonE

Game discussion / PvE wipe too soon
November 08, 2021, 05:44:37 PM

I've been playing every big update (usually) and I love playing casually/slowly on PvE without worrys.

Although the wipe every 6weeks seems too quick for PvE in my opinion. I would suggest 2 months at least, maybe 3.

Other peoples opinions would be nice to hear also!


Bug reports / Drone Control Durability & Repair
July 08, 2020, 05:06:19 AM
I can't repair drone controls since the new durability change


Bug reports / Crossbow non-stop ammo
April 23, 2020, 04:51:58 PM
If you have 1 stone and 1 iron arrow

Crossbow will keep shooting and generating new arrows. Non-Stop Free Ammo.

It does no damage though...
Game version: Latest - Steam
Game mode: Multilayer
Bug location: Tinker Bench
Steps to reproduce: Put torch in tinker bench, 100% or any other % and it shows -2147483648% durability
Reproduction rate: All the time
Screenshot: Yes
Bug description: Put torch in tinker bench, 100% or any other % and it shows -2147483648% durability