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General Discussions / Infant Sleep Headwear and Are ...
Last post by Gilbertvat - Yesterday at 02:51:53 AM
Sustainable newly born the newborn Goods: Recommendations for Green Guardianship
Much more parents become green-minded, the demand for sustainable and ecological infant products is on the rise. This blog gives recommendations for green caregiving, highlighting the best eco-conscious goods available. Discover goods made from organic fabrics, putrefiable components, and inexhaustible manufacturing processes. Discover about the gains of using environmentally friendly goods, really as reducing your earth impact and providing a healthiest surroundings for any your child. Parents present their top selections for eco- friendly the newborn items, from organic fabric garments and bamboo diapers to non-toxic toys and decayable wipes. Understand the way these goods not only help the planet but also offer protection and coziness for use in your the new child. this one blog will guide you in earning ecological selections, guaranteeing that your parenting practices match with your beliefs of sustainability and earth consciousness.
Newborn Sleep Headwear (
Newborn Headbands and How to Keep Holding These On Entire Day ( b1f43_d
General Discussions / Купить шины XCENT EL891 315 80...
Last post by Tireel - July 24, 2024, 09:52:02 AM
Купить резину XCENT EL891 315/80R22.5 в Дно ( по ценe пpоизвoдителя. Cвяжитесь c нами пo вопроcам cотрyдничecтвa и cpокам oтгрyзки шин. Грузовая шины XCENT EL891 315/80R22.5 сoзданы нa oснoве мeждyнapодных стандapтoв и имeют oтличное качество oбecпeчивающиe длитeльный экcплуaтационный период при максимaльных нагpузках. Oтличнo зapекoмендовaли ceбя при комбиниpовaннoй ездe пo кaмню и асфaльтy. Пpи пpоизводcтве грузовых шин иcпoльзуются материaлы выcокого кaчество c пpименeниeм натyральногo качeства, что позволяет шинaм дeржaть pабoчие тeмперaтуpы, имeть стoйкocть к иcтиранию. Брeнд грузовых шин XCENT oтлично себя зарекомендовал в странaх Евpопы и нaбиpает пoпуляpнocть в Poccии. Дoстyпная стоимocть шин обосновaнa зaинтeрecованнoстью пpoизводитeля в пpoдвижeнии cвoeго бpeндa на внyтpеннeм рынке Роccии и cтpанах СНГ. Пpи отгрузке кaждaя пaртия шин пpoхoдит кoнтpoль кaчeства. Модeль грузовой шины XCENT EL891 нaбиpaет пoпyляpность в России, что я является отличной рeкoмендaцией к покупке грузовых шин. Мы приглашаем к сотрyдничеству автoтранспортные пpeдпpиятия и предприниматeлей, обеcпечивая пpямыe зaкупки пo ценe прoизвoдителя и oплатe за пocтaвляeмыe грузовые шины в pyблях с НДС. Отгрyжaемaя пapтия резины XCENT EL891 315/80R22.5 240 шт. Пo вoпрoсам сoтpyдничeствa и сpoкaм oтгpузки пpоcим cвязывaтьcя пo указанным контактaм на сайте. Подpoбнyю инфоpмaцию o шинах мoжете изyчить на нашeм caйте.
General Discussions / Maximize Industrial Equipment ...
Last post by Mancubus0Tex - July 24, 2024, 01:35:28 AM
  Seeking to boost the reliability and efficiency of your equipment? Check out the Balanset-1A – a cutting-edge balancing and vibration analysis device with proven practical benefits. 
 The Balanset-1A comes with two vibration sensors and a laser tachometer, allowing for balancing in one or two planes. It not only measures vibrations but also automatically calculates balancing parameters, greatly simplifying the process. 
 Users commend the Balanset-1A for its high accuracy and ease of use. The device archives all results, facilitating easy report creation and repeated balancing procedures, which saves time and resources. 
 Don't let this opportunity to boost your equipment's efficiency pass you by. Order the Balanset-1A today and witness its benefits firsthand. 
Here you can read more about  What is the process of balancing the drive shaft?  (
Mods / Re: [Client+Server] Cryofall I...
Last post by Aeon - June 14, 2024, 07:25:16 PM
I tried to download this with the Discord link, but got the message "Invite Invalid".
Then I get a different link, which asks me for a phone # to verify my account. Which is a problem, because:
  1) I don't have a Discord account
  2) I have a landline, so no texts for me

Is there any way for me to download this mod? For that matter, I would settle for the "Tech Expansion" portion of the mod, which is what excites me most, but I don't see that hosted separately anywhere either.

Thanks, I greatly appreciate any help you can offer! I was all pumped to play this mod, then disappointed when I discovered I couldn't download it. :(

Also, is the full thing available for download? (client & server?) I play exclusively PvE, and have limited bandwidth, so I'd prefer to play it locally.
Mods / Re: [Client+Server] Cryofall I...
Last post by Tactical Soap - May 18, 2024, 03:53:00 PM
Server has been reset with the following changes (download from discord):

- Added more health to all Mechs.
- Added more health to Mecha.
- All Taser ammo now has 100% pierce to inflict slow, however, it does 0 damage.
- Increased meteorite resources.
- All energy weapons were changed. They are no longer perfectly accurate.
- Removed run speed from Buga Suga.
- Added LP and Skill exp to Buga Suga.
- Added LP exp to one joint (medical item) and Skill exp to the other one.
- Hopefully fixed the Ender Crate bug.
Mods / [Client+Server] Kits Mod
Last post by AlexBLR - May 15, 2024, 02:06:58 PM
Kits mod allows admins create a bundle of items (kit) witch can be taken by user via command in console.

Mod ID: ablrKits
Version: 1.0.0
Game Version: (R33 Update)

Important note:
To execute commands you need "Developer mode" turned on, in client settings.
Then in-game press tilde (~) key to open console.
Client commands do not require special command char, while admin commands always starts from /

Client commands:
* kit <kitName> - take a kit by  name set instead of <kitName>, e.g. kit start - will give kit with name "start"
* kits - shows notification about available kits.

Admin commands:
* /kits.create <name> [description] - create a new kit or rewrite existing, <name> is required ID for kit. Kit name should not contain spaces, special chars, only english alphabet and numbers.
* /kits.clear - remove all kits
* /kits.export - put in client clipboard the XML representation of saved kits, currently used for debug.

How to make a kit:
You need be an admin and being connected to game server via client to create kits.

Kit is created from character inventories. Everything that you have - will be a kit, e.g. you have some armor, weapons, mods installed, some tools/items on hotbar - everything will be a kit, and when client call kit, all kit items will be placed on same places where admin (who made kit) had them.

/player.items.add to fill your inventory with items.
then call /kits.create someName to create a kit.

then you can clear inventory via /player.items.clear and after that "kit someName" to receive everything back.

first implementation, it have some bugs somewhere.
Will be good see some feedback.

Download link:

Mods / Re: [Client+Server] Better Tin...
Last post by Sakhalin - May 10, 2024, 06:08:54 PM
Подскажи, у тебя на сервере установлен мод GoldMineral v2 где его скачать?
Modding info / Re: How to get working steam e...
Last post by ai_enabled - May 08, 2024, 01:37:14 AM
sorry I was not subscribed to notifications in this forum section so I've missed your post.

To run the game or Editor without Steam you indeed need to have a linked account (which you have). I've just tested and see that there are no issues with the emails going through to Gmail. Please try again and also check the Spam folder.

Modding info / How to get working steam edito...
Last post by AlexBLR - May 03, 2024, 03:53:08 PM
I'm doing it like was said in faq to prepare dev environment.
I removed steam file and local "data" folder is appeared.

When i trying to start editor/client, it asks for creds... and some password. What?
ok, I follow to probably I can recover account or reset password. I typed AlexBLR in user name and service said that sent email to my mail (gmail), but not after 5 mins, not after a hour not after a day I didn't received anything to my mail. wtf?

How to mod this game?

If I left everything from steam, game start load core.cpk from steam, and doe not try to load it from development game copy, also it uses appdata folder instead of local.

How to solve this puzzle?
Mods / [Client+Server] Better Tinker ...
Last post by LiveGobe - May 01, 2024, 04:42:43 AM
Better Tinker Table mod changes Tinker Table repair functionality by removing need of a second identical item and opts in to using more Duct Tape and your Maintenance skill for repairs.

Mod ID: BetterTinkerTable
Version: 1.0.2
Game Version: (R33 Update)

With this mod, repairing will be more focused on your Maintenance skill and amounts of Duct Tape you can get.
