CryoFall - Patch notes v0.18.x (Modding Update)

Started by Lurler, January 17, 2019, 05:44:12 AM


New CryoFall update is finally live now!

We are looking forward to your YouTube videos and specifically let's plays as well as Twitch streams!

Don't forget to join and follow our social channels and websites:
   - Discord server:
   - Forums: (this forum)
   - Reddit:
   - Twitter list:
   - Official website:
   - Development blog:

Now, without further ado, let's see what's new in this version.

=== CryoFall v0.18.0 (experimental/testing branch) ===

Major new features:
   - Full modding support added - see modding section below (but we will continue working on that to add a few more features)
New content:
   - Environmental Psi and Heat status effects (and corresponding resistance effects)
   - Water Still as a low level alternative to the well
   - Resonance Bomb specifically designed against wall spamming
   - New ammo types: 12ga buck shot, 12ga salt charge, 10mm blank ammo
   - T4 walls and floor (concrete)
   - Laser rapier (energy based melee weapon)
   - Pragmium armor (and new T4 Defense technology group)
   - New monsters: snake (3 versions depending on biome)
   - New decorative objects that can be built by player
   - New character face elements (for both genders)
   - Machine pistol (new automatic weapon for 8mm ammo)
   - New status effect: "well fed" which will be added after eating certain complex dishes such as stew
   - New quests & changes to existing quests
   - New interactive world objects (lava fissures)
   - Multitude of new items: purple gem, new medicines, generic items, etc.
   - New implant: Healing gland (grants improved regeneration)
   - Many new sounds (tropical biome ambients, pragmium source "earthquake", locked container looting, corpse looting, bag open/close, fertilizer application sound, energy impact sounds, etc.)

Changes & improvements:
   - Melee weapons can now use energy if needed (first of such weapons is laser rapier)
   - All technology groups are now separated into "Primary" and "Specialization" to make it clear which are more important
   - Oil and Lithium sources now deplete and respawn in the world. This prevents any single group from controlling them indefinitely. They can also be destroyed with explosives
   - Slightly increased LP gain rate (approx +10%) to make progression in the game faster
   - Most of the empty nodes were removed from technology trees
   - Most weapons & ammo have been rebalanced (including range), but we will continue working on it in the upcoming patches as well
   - Map has been updated and expanded slightly (big new base in the top righ corner)
   - New shortcut: Alt+RMB on item to drop it, Alt+Ctrl+RMB to drop only single item from the stack (we kept Alt+LMB to use/eat an item)
   - Server will now notify you 10 seconds prior to the world snapshot saving
   - Healthbars for damaged buildings and world objects now have enforced visibility for 30 seconds when the object was damaged/repaired recently (not depending on the distance or Alt key holding)
   - Increased nicknames size (to make it easier to read)
   - Added fullscreen post-effects for Pain and Drunk status effects (as well as new Psi/Heat status effects)
   - Improved active interaction progress indicator (hold RMB)
   - Improved sounds and notifications for items dropped to the ground
   - Improved console suggestions/autocomplete UI
Technical improvements:
   - Much faster multithreaded world snapshot saving and much less noticeable saving-induced connection hiccup (usually less than one second)
   - Updated to NoesisGUI 2.2 (performance, stability and UI API improvements)
   - Refactored network library to ensure that the game server can handle hundreds of players online using practically any decent hardware
   - Much faster world map loading (map screen)
   - Faster initial scripts compilation and game launch thanks to optimizations in virtual file system implementation
   - Faster scripts compilation for subsequent compilations by reusing cached data from the previous compilation
   - Server autosave system moved to scripting and fully accessible (not hardcoded in the engine anymore)

   - Gameplay music wasn't playing under certain conditions
   - Tropical boar had no sound effects
   - "Cook any food" quest task was not counted when the item was used directly from the output container of a manufacturer object (such as a campfire)
   - Console command /tp should not perform physics check before teleportation for spectators
   - Incorrect armor sprite location when equipping the armor for the first time
   - Server welcome message should appear only after the loading splash screen is hidden
   - Fixed a bug when a new selected weapon starts firing when it was selected right after another weapon was broken during firing (thanks @Kraker)
Official modding support:
   - CryoFall Modding SDK for Visual Studio 2017 is available at
   - Custom project system SDK is distributed together with the game
   - You can find batch .CPK/.MPK extraction script right next to Core.cpk file. It will help with converting the game into the unpacked version required for modding
   - Debugger/Watches works properly now allowing you to browse game object properties and other information which was previously not available
   - Reflection API usage to make method calls or gather arbitrary type info is strictly forbidden to prevent security exploits. The scripts compiler will ensure these methods could not be called
   - C# dynamic keyword is forbidden to prevent security exploits
   - Mini performance profiler for your scripts (see "ScriptPerformanceMeasurementSection" api)
   - Added support for async remote procedures returning Task<T>
   - SpriteRenderer API improvements
   - Scripting API improvements regarding Vectors - you can now use C# 7 tuples without the need to specify the exact vector type (it's automatically inferred)

   - This is a public test version of A18. The server which is hosting this version will removed with the full A18 release and all previous game servers will be wiped as usual when we updated to the final A18 release.


=== CryoFall v0.18.1 (public release) ===

   - Game editor for CryoFall is now released and available to everyone who purchased ( full version of the game!
   - You can create your own worlds, share with other players and host them on your own servers
   - You can also include your worlds as a part of your mods

Changes & improvements:
   - Now you need to have Xenogeology to be able to claim resource nodes (oil / lithium)
   - Added grass and plants animation
   - Implemented pitch variance to make repeatable sounds more varied (footsteps, gun shots, hitting objects, eating food, etc.)
   - Current object interaction will continue even if a window is opened or mouse cursor is moving over UI
   - Oil lamp is now cheaper, to incentivize players to craft and use it
   - Camp fuel can now also be prepared in a stove in addition to campfire
   - Oil pump & lithium extractor are now a little bit cheaper, but oil refinery a bit more expensive
   - Nausea/drunk post-effect added
   - Door sprites are improved to properly cast shadow on the base part of the door
   - Removed unnecessary shadows from certain vegetation and farm plants
   - Mobs and players are now allowed to spawn closer to cliffs
   - Incendiary ammo now adds heat effect
   - New server OP notification: display "cannot teleport here" if map teleport doesn't work
   - Other small improvements and changes

   - Game Launcher v1.2.0 is available now (via auto-update).
   - Implemented mods management for CryoFall (Press "configure" button -> Select active mods)
   - Implemented auto-installation of mods for CryoFall by double-clicking on mod (.mpk) file.
   - Fixed an issue with Game Launcher unable to install/update the game if it contains unpacked Core
   - For modders: please add <game>CryoFall</game> into your mod Header.xml file (preferably before <id>) so it will be recognized by Game Launcher

   - The world has been wiped. Enjoy a fresh start!
   - If you host a game server - please update to the latest version (the savegame from <game root>/Data folder should be deleted manually as the game will be unable to load it due to incompatibilities between the versions).
   - If you have any compilation errors on launch - please disable any mods you have installed. You could also contact mod authors to ask them to update their mods to the latest specification defined in A18.


=== CryoFall v0.18.2 ===

Changes & improvements:
    - Added special notification for base under attack + map indicator
    - Building new structures while the base is under attack is now not possible (e.g. prevents blueprint spamming)
    - New respawn option - respawn near bed (but outside of the land claim area)
    - Cancel weapon reloading on hotbar slot switching
    - Improved quest texts to make certain aspects of the game clearer
    - Changed certain recipes (paper, industrial chemicals)
    - New "missing mods" notification window when player attempts to connect to the server requiring mods which are not installed
    - Increased bomb explosion sound distance
    - Faster world map loading and better performance when logging in on a server with the large discovered map
    - Server should attempt to gracefully handle unexpected process termination (create world save)
    - Lights will not react to spectator characters anymore.

    - Changing world map scale by dragging the slider sometimes resulted in black window
    - Primitive bomb was rendered under the charred ground
    - Drunk/Nausea screen post-effect sometimes persisted for players until reconnecting
    - Rendering of blueprints sometimes had incorrect offset
    - Favorite servers list clearing didn't reset favorite flags

   - If you host a game server - please update to the latest version
   - Save games are compatible! No wipe needed.
   - If you have any compilation errors on launch - please disable any mods you have installed. You could also contact mod authors to ask them to update their mods to the latest specification defined in A18.


=== CryoFall v0.18.3 ===

   - New player mute system and moderation console commands (/mod.mute.*)

Changes & improvements:
   - 12 gauge slug ammo "Dazed" effect reduced from 1 to 0.4 seconds per hit.
   - Reduced server memory requirement by not creating physics for water tiles which don't have neighbor non-water tiles (40% memory usage decrease).
   - Improved "cannot compile scripts" dialog - it now includes the list of active mods (which might be related to the compilation issues).
   - Proper character preview texture size for inventory menu.
   - Refactored player menu (now WindowInventory and WindowHandCrafting are separate).

   - Floor rendering is offset by 1 or 2 tile up if sprite resolution is set to high or low correspondingly and CNEI mod is used.
   - Black screen when trying to take a screenshot of a different resolution while in fullscreen mode.
   - When screenshot is made in a resolution different from the current resolution, some textures (such as character preview texture in inventory) were missing.
   - Farm plot rendering issue after destruction.

   - If you host a game server - please update to the latest version
   - Save games are compatible! No wipe needed.
   - If you have any compilation errors on launch - please disable any mods you have installed. You could also contact mod authors to ask them to update their mods to the latest specification defined in A18.