[Client+Server] Hardcore Desert - Pragmium King

Started by Mars, March 10, 2021, 09:13:27 PM


I am playing this with duality right now which is awesome, lots of changes i had in the back of my mind that would be nice.

Now the problem, i built my first logistic drones and all checkboxes can't be checked, neither in the drone nor in the land claim to allow robots - no error it just plays the select sound and nothing happens.

I've checked the server log and it's the same as Eammeny had
20.12.22 13:10:31.265 [ERR] Error occured in command processing Command ScriptingRemoteCall_2102 (ID=30281): unknown error
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   _____________________________________stack trace_____________________________________

   at #=zVnYwVCEMJiV4agon0XnAB3iEZibfsQuy9Q==.#=zSyDGNL3cD1CSb$E77w==(#=zheLyBuI=)
   at #=zVnYwVCEMJiV4agon0XnAB3iEZibfsQuy9Q==.#=z1_QmcLs=(#=zheLyBuI=)
   at #=zJKpk7fUNII_StXxJPJCkiGDTMwsPsQlTaQ==.#=zJfPkJcUqy9h5(#=zheLyBuI=)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Is it possible that a connected base is causing this? This is 3 land claims connected to each other...