Local server fatal error

Started by addiktion, July 13, 2017, 10:23:04 PM


Here is a blank version of the bug-report template.
Game version:              1711817 (Current Content BuildID)
Game mode:                 Single Player 
Bug Location:                Dock at the very first place, upon undocking I get a server error game quits to main menu
Steps to Reproduce:       Bug Location
Reproduction Rate:         99%, One time I was able to get by, and then when I completed the quest it failed upon trying to undock
Screenshot:                   N/A Didn't think to get one
Bug Description:            Short descriptions up above
Mods used:                    No mods, just fresh installed
Logs:                             https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-76B7rro5sFRU0ydHFYMzhRazQ
Crashdump:                   everything from logs is up above

Side Note:  I tried, repairing DotNet, uninstalling, reinstalling, running it on 4.0, updating dotnet to 4.7, turning off firewall, turning on firewall, excluding every single file in the Void Expanse folder from my Antivirus, running the game as Admin... I'm out of options.  I have no idea whats causing it. But I can't play the game.


Hello, addiktion!

Thanks for reporting. I've checked the logs and found the crash issue (in the end of the server log file):
QuoteCRITICAL ERROR at VoidExpanse.Server.exe! Unhandled exception. Terminating process!
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Users\James\Documents\AtomicTorchStudio\VoidExpanse\Saves\backup_slot_2\screenshot.jpg' is denied.

It seems the game cannot access folder "Documents\AtomicTorchStudio\VoidExpanse" (to write the savegame). This could be related to the anti-virus protection.
Please ensure you have added the game server executable (located at "<game folder>/Server_dotNET/VoidExpanse.Server.exe") to the anti-virus whitelist.
If you don't have any anti-virus software or the game server executable is already whitelisted, please try the workaround described in this topic http://steamcommunity.com/app/324260/discussions/0/1457328927830385121/



Well, Turning off the anti-virus is the culprit, I thought I got around that by excluding everything... but Avast seems to ignore this... not sure how much I'm liking that but either way, thanks for the response, at least now I have a direction.


If you added the exe file into the anti-virus software, it should be enough and you need to try a workaround:
QuoteSetting the compatibility settings in VoidExpanse.Server.exe and VoidExpanse to run in admin mode fixed it.


Yeah, I already did those :(,  Including admin to it... Whitelisting, but turning Avast completely off fixed the problem... meh not sure why Avast is still not whitelisting it.


I see. It seems they're performing some kind of sandboxing to isolate it from accessing the file system outside of the application location.
I would recommend reporting this issue to the Avast support.


Pretty sure I figured it out, So, Avast put out a "Ransomware" Protected Module...  Instead of using the generalized exclusions list, I added the exe and server to this modules personal white list, and it seems to be working fine.   I noticed that one of the folders that was "Protected" was the documents folder.  This lead me to test that... so far it has worked.


Yes, it makes sense. Recently all the anti-virus software companies rushed ransomware protection into their products.
Good to hear you've found a way to resolve the issue. We will recommend it to other players and also update the game troubleshooting wiki.
