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Topics - Karsthans

Ideas and suggestions / Boss event timer
January 30, 2023, 01:24:29 PM

We are having trouble keeping players interested or able to join this events with a 3 to 6 hour window, many players don't have 3 hours to wait for in game event, so if possible to consider changing that window to 1 hour would be helpful, something like a 5 or keep 6 hour timer with 1 hour window or fixed time, so player can plan when to be online and not spend up to 3 hours waiting.
If possible to consider implement other improvements, in my opinion, for this event on official player versus environment servers, like:

Boss spawning in exact center of spawn circle, so players can stand apart and not all group up in one place
Difficulty scaling, to provide challenge for 2 or 20 players and not be impossible or too easy
Event "party" so can see other players before event starts to coordinate better and know how many players are at event

I know development is finished, just asking if any of this suggestions could be implemented just by changing settings or using current systems that maybe could be adapted to other applications and improve game without need for major changes to game or new content,

Ideas and suggestions / Sort container
June 10, 2021, 06:57:35 AM

If easy to implement could there be a option to look sort in each container, this is due to some players using larger containers to organize items in a way and then they can press sort button by mistake having to reorganize items all over again, a checkbox like icon for example,

Ideas and suggestions / Trial account icon
May 30, 2021, 11:15:07 AM

If possible to have some sort of public indication if a account is trial account, like supporter badge, so can plan faction invites with that in mind,


If possible to have a additional "party" for any player in queen and sand tyrant events, that players would get placed into automatically, once entering event area, this would allow us to coordinate players positioning at start and allow us to all be more or less same distance, without having to guess if others are standing on top of spawn or closer than us on the other side of event area. If possible this could also have a new chat channel, event chat for example, to help with coordination of larger groups of players. This is suggestion in mind with current issues that come up with ten or more players joining this events, can┬┤t all start same side, to many and cause chaos moving in and if moving into different groups, usually someone will "camp" spawn and get advantage over others, without others knowing exactly who rushed in first,

Ideas and suggestions / "Boss" events score
May 24, 2021, 02:19:57 PM

We had a fun, yet failed, attempt, was down to around 5%, at sand tyrant event today and thought would ask if possible to have a attempt score info, if failed, posted, to have as reference to adjust weapons and such, also could announce boss had reset so know no hurry to get back after deaths. If was post a reference score, like when event ends, when boss fully heal and after being lower than 25% health or so, for example, could be interesting change, note no actual score credit or loot just information,

Game discussion / Blocking mineral field path
May 20, 2021, 06:50:06 PM

Wanted to note that, while had listen to some players make reference to, personally never thought was worth even the speculation, but now I actually saw a player try to block path, on two sides so far, to a mineral field, now I would do the usual, feel good about myself for being above that sort of behavior, however, unfortunately it is causing other players to consider quitting game or changing server and that is very unfortunate and might start chain reaction, since community on most servers is very limited and more so for helpful and active players. I also like to mention that, while, creating links for multiple claims always causes issues, having players path blocked, this is normal game play when that space used to build actual base and this event it is clear intention is to cause issues to other players, example two or so walls linking two claims, no path in or outside claim, does nothing but cause path issues on both other players and owner of claim, in my opinion, proving that is either dumb mistake or borderline harassment on neighbor players,

Ideas and suggestions / Faction rank permissions
May 14, 2021, 11:54:21 AM

If possible to expand on current permissions for faction ranks would allow some level of control, for example, single "land claim management" permission, allows players to remove anything from a wall to the claim, if possible to divide it into build, move, deconstruct options, would allow permission to be awarded with a, initial, low level risk, also being able to move create a silly issue where if door is locked to a player with "land claim management" permission, that player can move the door or wall next to it to enter room. This applies to most, if not all permissions, being a little to basic to allow a larger faction to function without chaos. I also like to add note, think made reference to this before but would be very helpful, storage logs would also fall into this topic,


This one is probably just non practical but since sounded like good idea thought would share, could there be a shield around bosses that would take little, but more than your solo player rushing in and getting a shot or two at it, to allow players few seconds to start to fire and surround boss, before its open to direct attack, I ask since any player caught with line of sight blocked can take few seconds to move around and find a spot, this applies only to queen, to actually help with event and not just shot other players in the black cause they are blocking line of sight. I would use as reference fortnite save the world, had a mode that objective was to attack a base and as a pre event had damage shield, as well as a timer, with its progress showed to any players in match, this game could be area, like below health when in range, that way players had something, yes a bit like pre event timer but more exact, to get to event and join,

Ideas and suggestions / Queen event spawn area
May 12, 2021, 11:05:28 AM

We had very nice, first time saw it with this many players, probably 12 or so, coordinated, multiple direction attack at queen today, worked nicely as less players starting from same direction allowed for less blocking of line of sights and everyone had better chance to actually hit boss, however, we had small issue that I hope is easy to fix, the actual spawn of queen and same probably applies to sand tyrant, is slightly to upper left corner of event circle, this allowed some players to walk shorter distance to start fight and small delay on players from right and bottom, so wanted to ask if would be possible for bosses to spawn in the exact middle or as close as possible, of the circle so we can all get in multiple groups starting from multiple direction again, if there are over 8 or 10 players, to avoid chaos of first in line blocking line of sight and others going long way around to get shot in with significant delay,


I finally got around to making a faction with recruiting open to any players that apply, only took about a year :P and I had brought up issue with doors lacking individual player permissions before, but was not urgent then, for me anyway, since only had few players in faction and all knew for a while so didn't have to sort storage access and such, now with faction with many players it is a requirement, not a convenient, in my opinion, to have doors and if possible storage with individual player permissions, like, non faction, vehicles and armored safes, that, since are is a current game feature, if possible to apply it to rest would make faction management possible and easy. If this is for some reason hard to do, maybe a storage log option could work, if easier to do,


Wanted to ask if could be a public vehicle assembly bay next to each "boss" event area, new servers came out and with many factions and players looking to build near event area it is very chaotic and space ran out fast, also a teleport closer to center event spawn would be helpful,

Ideas and suggestions / Spare learning points
May 08, 2021, 12:51:16 PM

I was crafting ammo and while waiting thought if could be a npc or a non player vendor station, selling ammo for learning points, would allow different play style with focus on support, gathering, hunting and so on for faction or group, without crafting themselves, even if I understand could change game significantly so big risk, this for player versus environment only by the way, could be a use for all the hundreds of thousands of learning points that we get after finishing all techs and faction level, alternative that, think might have suggests before, would be unlimited faction levels with some sort of decoration and esthetics, like faction banner symbols and colors, unlocked at every few hundred levels or so,


I know this was talked about before, still, after a early start on new servers, wanted to suggest there is a clear need for a balance on this, queen and sand tyrant, in my opinion. I think these were clearly designed for 3 to 5 players, so now with sometimes, over 10 players, gets very crowded and provides little to no challenge, only getting a line of sight to shoot at enemies is a "challenge" :P . I would like to pickup on someone else suggestions, making event spawn simultaneous on multiple areas, depending on number of players online or just all three spawns same time, alternative divided into shorter timers, in place of a "boss" event coming up every six to twelve hours, maybe have shorter timer like event once every one or two for example. I know then balance for loot and score would be needed so my idea would be, if it is possible, a character "debuff" to block getting loot and score, after killing each "boss", from events for the full six to twelve hours it now takes for event to come up, so players could, if wanted, help others but not stock on loot or points, this would likely divide players joining each event and hopefully this would allow event to happen more often and be more challenging, with factions helping each other and such if needed, less urgency on getting to event, that causes long wait times at the moment, anyone coming online late or just being lazy and not getting to event before pre event timer runs out,

Help section / Server crashing
May 06, 2021, 05:54:44 AM

We are having server crash many times in a row, uk 1 server, usually when queen world event is active, three or more times in a row, for past few days, not sure if was reported before,

Ideas and suggestions / Mech items
April 18, 2021, 10:28:48 AM

I noticed that when mech is destroyed items it drops, weapon, ammo and any other items stored in cargo, are not locked to mech owner, this allows other players, especially in events like queen and sand tyrant, to steal items from other players, wanted to suggest that in this and any other loot related issues, timer apply to allow players to avoid taking advantage of system not working 100% of the time, since can lock mineral, pragmium by shooting it, witch is odd and doesn't make sense in my opinion, but when dropping item on ground or having mech items drop after its destroyed, doesn't trigger lock, this should apply lock with maybe exception to party members and or faction members,

Ideas and suggestions / Scaling difficulty
April 18, 2021, 06:46:52 AM

I saw post about scaling difficulty on new "solo" server, to allow single player to finish "boss" events, wanted to ask if such thing is possible in official servers. This since recently there are over five players in those events and its more annoying than fun, event ends in couple of seconds, loot is limited, also issue when there are one or two players looking to do event and are unable, so if possible to have some sort of scaling, like when pre event timer ends adjust difficulty depending on number of players inside event area would provide a more fun and challenging event,

Ideas and suggestions / Base attack event
April 18, 2021, 06:41:54 AM

I remember reply on last post about event where player bases would be attacked and that reply was negative, still, wanted to suggest alternative, could a event that would spawn a random generated "player" base work as target of attack, both as trial to see player interest and to test if viable later on, for actual player bases, this would allow to see turrets in action in player versus environment, that would be additional game content ready to be added,

Ideas and suggestions / Experimental warning
April 18, 2021, 06:08:44 AM

I know its silly but if possible to add clear note to welcome message in next experimental server to say it will only last, on average, x days, this would avoid some players complain when it goes offline,


note: if possible to move to cryofall, posted in wrong forum
Ideas and suggestions / Claim decay timer on map
April 12, 2021, 09:38:14 AM

If we could see claim decay timer on the map would be very helpful, maybe linked to layer suggestion, for vendor machines, either way, having a way to check timers on claim without having to go around map would be very convenient,

Ideas and suggestions / Gems
April 11, 2021, 12:21:34 PM

I was sure had posted about this before but since can┬┤t find post will post again, if did post before apologies, anyway, I am at finding 0 gems in experimental, 3 gems in Europe 1 and previews servers had anywhere from 1 to 5 or so total, after playing for months at a time, now would like to suggest system like Trove game has, every x number of attempts get a 100% chance at rare loot, here for example gem, this number can be adjusted, in Trove is like 100 and here could be 1000 or even 10000, would avoid the insanely unfair of a completely random generator number that, for me at least, keeps kicking me in the family jewels every single time, note I know trade is alternative, however, I do not care for trading and shouldn't be only an unfair random generator system or a random price in player trade system as alternatives, in my opinion,
