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Bug reports / Cannot Hack after update
February 20, 2016, 07:00:23 PM
Game version:  Steam v1.6.7
Game mode: Single Player
Bug Location: When trying to hack the Pirate Data Cache for the last mission of the tutorial.  Posts on the Steam forum state that they cannot hack anywhere, even later in the game.
Steps to Reproduce:  Any attempt at hacking. 
Reproduction Rate:  Constant, have not bypassed even after restarting the game.
Screenshot:  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=629048949
Bug Description:  Nothing happens after clicking "Hack" button, except for text in box refreshing more of the same text.
Mods used: Advanced Equipment Pack v1.1.1
No Crash, just cannot advance past tutorial system.