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Messages - Lurler

It makes sense that there is a cost associated with using teleports. Especially for a large clan, otherwise it essentially makes the entire map pointless. We have recently increased the drop rate of green herbs, but it is likely we won't be boosting it more.
Bottom line is - it is important to choose when to travel by using teleports and when not to.
Still, we are certainly open to changing the balance based on more feedback. So thank you for sharing!
Thank you for the suggestion, but it is likely we won't add it, as we don't want turrets to be used as an area denial tool. E.g. placing them near the entrance to the desert or such. We want turrets to be purely a defensive tool.
Mods / Re: [Client] Recipe notification
January 29, 2021, 02:56:50 AM
Really nice! Thank you for sharing the mod :)
Ideas and suggestions / Re: Synthetic Rubber
January 27, 2021, 03:48:45 AM
It's not really a matter of realist, but of game balance.
If you can craft it - then it just becomes another thing that is irrelevant and you just have to craft.
But the way it is now - it ensures you also have to explore the map to get the rubber which works as a natural balancing factor and also slows down large clans in PvP as they can't just grind/craft it.
We will try a few things next update then and see if it works :)
Thank you for the ideas!

We are finalizing A29 for release already but we are certainly open to consider those ideas for the next version.
And in regards to vehicles we can also think about expanding vehicle access configuration as you suggested.

Finally for turrets, well, we wanted for energy turret to have contrast with regular turrets which use bright color, hence why it's dark in design :)
Ideas and suggestions / Re: Add smarter machines
January 15, 2021, 04:47:53 AM
Thank you for your suggestion, but adding full automation would make CryoFall a completely different game that it was envisioned as.

But frankly, the reason is technical. The servers need to support hundreds of people, but if automation it included there is no way to know what kind of load the server will have and even 10 people can create enough machines for the entire server performance to be consumed. So, it is not suitable for multiplayer when it has to support hundreds of people on the same server.

But we are certainly open to ideas for some small type of automation - for example as you know we recently added drones, so you don't need to collect resources yourself and can delegate that work to your industrial drones.
Mods / Re: [Client] Bigger Fishing Hook
December 28, 2020, 05:31:34 AM
Quote from: Mitchs98 on December 27, 2020, 09:08:44 PM
Do you have this for A28 maybe? Not yet using A29, started recently and was taking the time on A28 to learn the game some before A29 rolls around. If you don't that's fine, but I'd definitely appreciate it if you do! Thanks!
If I'm not mistaken it is purely a visual mod, in which case it should work with any game version.
Bug reports / Re: no enterance
December 21, 2020, 04:42:14 AM
Thank you for reporting!

Fixes will be available with the next update.
Mods / Re: [Mod]Farming Plus 0.0.3 for Fix
December 18, 2020, 06:50:16 AM
Nice! :)
Bug reports / Re: Lamps lighting all day
October 29, 2020, 04:47:04 AM
Please open the lamp and switch it to "automatic" - then it will automatically turn on and off.
Also, just in case: what server are you playing on?
Alibaba, It is ideas and suggestions :)

SavingPrivatePyle, Thank you for taking time to share it! Really appreciate you taking time to post.
Bug reports / Re: behemoth mech disappeared overnight
October 01, 2020, 04:57:56 AM
Thank you for providing all of the information! At least it is now clear where the issue is. We will make the necessary changes in A28 to ensure that players in PvE cannot have their vehicles lost/destroyed this way.
We are going to release the update in just a few days, so it will definitely help.
Yup, that is exactly what we are planning :)

Not NPC, but a network of teleports that you will be able to use to quickly move around the map.
It will come with A29 update.

With this teleport network it will also be possible to finally expand the map even more with new interesting zones.
Help section / Re: Official America North (PVE) griefing
September 28, 2020, 03:00:03 AM
Thank you for reporting.
We are working on it. Hopefully we can find some reasonable solution.