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Topics - p0ki

Ideas and suggestions / F.A.Q.
June 03, 2018, 06:41:43 AM
Hello Everyone.
Most of the time im in the game I see questions regarding usually the same stuff. So I will collect them here to point you here when asking :)

Can I repair my equipment? - Nope, and once it breaks it is gone for good. Just craft a new tool/armor.
How can I move my wall? - You can't. You need to deconstruct it and build it somewhere else.
How can I deconstruct? - You need to get a crowbar. Research it in Tier2-Contruction. But be warned, you don't get any ressources back

More questions once I hear them and got the time to document :)

Where can I get #ressource?
Clay is dark orange on the map, on the right in this example.
Copper and Iron are found on the mountains, they are marked brown and located on the top of this example.
Sand is located at the beach and around water sources.
Berrys and herbs are found everywhere on the map, but are more common in the dark green spots.

Regards, p0ki
Ideas and suggestions / The new Salt / Water
June 03, 2018, 06:26:25 AM
since the last update a lot has changed regarding salt/gold.

Back then you needed 10 bottles of water for 1 salt.
Now you need 2 bottles of (salty)water for 1 salt.

Back then you needed 25 salt for 1 gold.
Now you need 10 salt for 1 gold.

Overall the needed water for 1 gold is reduced from 250 bottles to 20 bottles.
I really like this new mechanic, since now I no longer need a room full of wells to get enough water for my gold.

BUT filling up the bottles requires you to click every time for each bottle. When mining you can simply hold the mousebutton down, but when you hold it down on the water you only get a single bottle with salty water.
Is it possible to change this, so that holding the mousebutton starts the next cycle once the previous one is finished?

Regards, p0ki.
Ideas and suggestions / Thoughts on Vehicles
May 13, 2018, 01:00:42 PM
TLDR: How about trains? I like trains.

Hi Atomic-Team,
on the Cryofall Roadmap (https://trello.com/b/B5ckffAW/cryofall-development-roadmap) I've seen that you think about implementing vehicels. My thoughts on vehicles are, since its difficult to implement a jeep, that trains or just trainstations for underground trains are something worth thinking of. You would pay an amount of ressources to build the first and second trainstation and then another amount based on distance to each other to connect those two stations. Riding the train would use some kind of energy (fuel or batterie) based on distance. At the end you fast travel to your destination and from thereon can take the next train or leave the station.
Optional: Have more than one person on the train to share the energycost.

I would love to hear your thoughts on vehicles :)
Regards, p0ki
Ideas and suggestions / Trading Stations
May 13, 2018, 12:25:36 PM
TLDR: Please lower the cost for the small trading station by cutting the required electronical components in half

Hi Atomic-Team,
thanks for the last update with trading stations. They can do what they promote and are solid enough to be left in the wild. So far I have no worries to leave a bunch of coins or items in them. The buying and selling sounds (from VoidExpanse am i right?) are good and I like to hammer down that mousebotton to sell all my stuff.

But we need to talk about the building cost. Ten electronical components are really much and since radtowns are not really worth going to (so far) the only way of obtaining electronical components is through lithium. Five components take 10 lithium ingots which by itself takes 10 lithium "powder", so currently we need 200 lithium to get those components. Each lithium takes about 100 seconds to produces, which means 5,5 hours to make one single trading station. But you need two trading stations to buy/sell items and that means 11 hours of waiting near the lithium mine. If you think you can get this over night, then be aware that a stack of lithium powder tops out at 250, therefore you need to empty it every 7 hours.

My Idea to ease the pain would be to lower the electronical components to half on the small trading station, that way we see more players to have trading stations sooner. And I get to hear that cool trading sound more often 8)

Regards, p0ki

ps: Where do you think the turnstile is suitable besides someone making a huge wall?
Ideas and suggestions / We need an auto-run button
January 21, 2017, 04:51:17 PM
Holding down Shift down all the time is not the way to go.
I would like to switch running on or off with (x) or something.

Also while you are at it, could we make the stamina-meter a little slower?
That way we could run for further distances while it needs longer to charge up.
Bug reports / The almighty all-consuming bottle
January 21, 2017, 04:40:52 AM
Kneel before me, as I have created a black hole.
I call it the everything consuming bottle. (Name Subject to Change)
Videoproof: https://youtu.be/dfUkSbUGiKc

I was filling 8 Bottles with Water at my well.
I took out the bottles and went to my chest.
I went back to the well and found the 8 bottles still inside the well, as well inside my inventory.
(Oh jolly, maybe I can abuse this bug)
I took out the bottles (again) and put them in my inventory. (We will call them fake-bottle from now)
I tried to pick up the fake-bottle, but instead I picked up the other 8 bottles in my inventory.
Right-Clicking reduced the number of fake-bottles as well as normal bottles, I repeated that until I had 1 fake-bottle left.
I couldn't do anything with it, so I tried removing it from my inventory by exchanging it with berries. And the berries disappeard.
Thats when I decided to start the video and show you the hunger of this fake-bottle.
(I paid attention not to waste something usefull like fiber)

... also Right-Clicking anything in my inventory does not work anymore.
Bug reports / Broke the Well
January 21, 2017, 04:00:51 AM
So I was in the middle of intense 'Nitrocellulose Powder' crafting.
Boy does that stuff need much water (which is fine)

So I crafted around 14 Bottles for Water.
I've put them all in the Well to fill them up. (I knew that only 10 will fill up but that was fine)

Coming back from a long quest for Fiber (finding leaves is hard, finding grass even harder), I found my bottles missing.
The Well is now out of order. It uses the water, but the bottle does not fill. It seems like my other bottles are now invisible and blocking the output in some sort.

Here is the Video: https://youtu.be/JiU6YHuQedg (unlisted of course)

If you want to take a look by yourself come to 120;229
Bug reports / [SOLVED] Can't connect on 0.9.0
January 20, 2017, 03:42:29 PM
Just made the Update to 0.9.0 and connecting to the server shows me the CryoFall Logo but nothing happens then.
Is this a Server issue? Is anyone else able to connect?
Bug reports / [UI crash] Putting Mushrooms in the Oven
January 20, 2017, 01:51:16 PM
I got another critical error when I've put an Mushroom in the Oven.
(Although this might be not the issue since it took some seconds for the error to appear)

QuoteException "System.AccessViolationException": Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Here is the logfile:
Bug reports / [Resolved] TooManyUniqueStateObjects
January 20, 2017, 01:14:09 PM
Got some Errorbox, some smart developer made it very easy to get the logfiles :D
Logfile directory opened right up, so here I present you... THE LOGFILES


Made good progress, but the furnace is quite expensive. I needed to travel far for those 250 rocks. Intended?
General Discussions / Happy New Year 2017
January 02, 2017, 02:54:22 AM
I just wanted to say this...

Happy New Year to the Team of AtomicTorch and Everyone on this Forum.

Have a good start into the new Year. :)
Game discussion / Havent seen this before
June 14, 2016, 01:24:49 PM
THIS IS NOT A BUG REPORT! (More like, haha look at that)
For some reason I have two ships spinning in the overview.
I can move one of them around with the mouse but the other one is just spinning ahead.

Help section / Change Resolution / Display
January 30, 2016, 03:33:07 AM

After the Update the Game startet on my very left Display (which is upright). I am used to that and can shift the Game to another Display, but in this case I cannot set the resolution to something fitting. The Game is just giving me the Upright resolutions. What can I do?

Already Done:
Changing the Resolution in the SettingsClient.xml, It just gets set back.
Modding info / Add Cargo by Device
September 15, 2015, 01:47:09 PM
Hy there,
I learned that you can remove Cargo by this command:
ship.RemoveCargoByType(args.ship_id, "item_id", $amount);
But how do you add Cargo?
ship.AddCargoByType didn't do it.
ship.AddItemToStorage didn't do it.

So what do it? I just know the two it ...
... commands.
(I know that properly it would be "does" but if you get the reference, you are awesome)

Any help appreciated :)
Modding info / Compression
September 10, 2015, 12:20:03 PM
So I tried to make a dialog where you can trade 200 glepsite to 1 compressed glepsite.
But when I have 100 glepsite in my ship it works as well, I had to cramp up the checking amount to 400.
Now everything works as intended, but why is that?

<?php //php for the colors

var bp_npc_id topic.GetCurrentNpcShipId();

if (npc.GetTag(bp_npc_id"class") == "station.commander"//Every Station should do it.
return true;
return false;

var input topic.GetInput();
state topic.GetState();

bp_npc_id topic.GetCurrentNpcShipId();


if (state == 0)
if (input == NO_INPUT)
topic.AddPhrase($p001); // How much you want to compress?

else if (input == 1)  // Compress 200
var hasCargo ship.HasCargoAmount(PLAYER_SHIP"ore_glepsite"400);
if (!hasCargo)
topic.AddPhrase($p002); //Compressing...

else if (input == 2)  // Compress 2.000
var hasCargo ship.HasCargoAmount(PLAYER_SHIP"ore_glepsite"4000);
var hasCargo1 ship.HasCargoAmount(PLAYER_SHIP"ore_glepsite1"20);
if (!hasCargo)
if (!hasCargo1)
topic.AddPhrase($p002); //Compressing...

topic.AddPhrase($p002); //Compressing...

else if (input == 3)  // Compress 10.000
var hasCargo ship.HasCargoAmount(PLAYER_SHIP"ore_glepsite"20000);
var hasCargo1 ship.HasCargoAmount(PLAYER_SHIP"ore_glepsite1"100);
var hasCargo2 ship.HasCargoAmount(PLAYER_SHIP"ore_glepsite2"10);
if (!hasCargo)
if (!hasCargo1)
if (!hasCargo2)
topic.AddPhrase($p002); //Compressing...

topic.AddPhrase($p002); //Compressing...

topic.AddPhrase($p002); //Compressing...

else if (input == 4)
else if (input == 5)


Bug reports / Garbage Collection gets huge
September 08, 2015, 05:41:06 AM
Quote from: kyokei on August 27, 2015, 08:58:46 AM
Using mono to launch the server doesn't make it crash but I noticed that after a while the garbage collection hits above 1k and then you get the symptoms p0ki said. Server becomes choppy and sluggish until a restart of the VE server is done.
I have the same problem and would like to contribute with my logfiles.

Garbage collection starts at 215 MB and goes to 662 MB within 6 days.

The server didn't stall like kyokei, but it sure is noticeable. How much garbage is considered normal?
Bug reports / Party Bug
August 28, 2015, 01:11:29 PM
Hello everyone,

when playing on [EU][kG]kunix.org -PVE- (http://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=153.0) I cannot invite a specific player to my party nor he me. (Fuseldusel87 is just an example other players don't work as well)
There is always the player "Antonovus" showing up. Also from that point on he cannot gain any experience, all of his experince goes to me. The experience I'm generating is also just going to myself.

Game version: 1.4.10
Game mode: Multiplayer
Bug Location: Every System Ever
Steps to Reproduce: Invite Player
Reproduction Rate: 100 %
Screenshot: See below
Bug Description: Party Bug
Mods used: None
Logs: Kyokei has em
Crashdump: Not provided

Help section / Delete a single Player from Server
August 28, 2015, 12:55:09 PM
Hey Guys, a buddy of mine wants to restart on my server while other players remain on their level.

So far I only see the world.save data and can't get into it.
Is there a command to reset a specific player?
Modding info / How do Generators work?
August 28, 2015, 12:04:34 PM
I can't really explain to myself how the generatos and the numbers whithin are going.
Dark Energy for example uses 150 fuel and brings 55 energy.

But within the game standing perfectly still I have 650/750 energy.
For the generator to replenish this 100 Energy he uses 6 fuel. So ... yeah...

Kindly direkt me to the file which calculates or directs this numbers. Thank you :)
Servers / [DE]Vanilla Server
August 28, 2015, 12:53:57 AM
Server name: [DE]Vanilla Server
Version: 1.4.10
Server address:
Hosted in: Germany

Server settings:
* Mods installed: Nope, but will install the DE_de mod later on
* Whitelist only: No
* Player limit: 16 (will get extended when more people play.)
* PVP: No (but might get enabled later on)
* EXP penalty: No
* Money penalty: Yes (10%)
* Ship penalty: No

Additional information:
There is also a Teamspeak3 Server:
You will most likely hear German but we understand English as well.