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Messages - Jay Lesis

My bad on not specifying the game. This problem of mine happens in Cryofall. I've now sent you the logs.
Thank you for your reply. I tried updating my drivers and closed some non-essential software, nothing helped. I think there is something wrong with the game, given the fact that the problem kept arising even when I tried re-mapping the sprint key. I've now noticed that if I press the sprint key 2-3 times, the game freezes for up to a whole second. So yeah, 'tis no micro freeze :/
This might seem like a small issue but trust me, it ain't. I have noticed that sometimes when you press the shift key the game freezes for a solid half a second. This applies to when trying to sprint or quickly move items in the inventory. I tried to rebind the shift key for something else and the problem persisted. This is really annoying, please find a fix for this.