Increasing Spawn / Respawn Rate / Faction Controlled Ships

Started by Stalker1o2, March 31, 2015, 12:21:39 PM


I was wondering about this as space seems really empty to me I see freighters everywhere faction controlled and non faction controlled. But non of the join able factions have any type of combat ships in their sectors was wondering where in the XML files where I would put this code line in like the pirates faction with this farther they get away from their area of influence the less you see of that factions ship except Pirates of course.

The last part where is the Re-spawn and Spawn rate Located or is per Sector Location?

Also working on something fun also Takes 1 Booster slot Per Weapon slot which allows the user to change the weapon mount their ship still working out some issues with it may have to do numbered boosters instead be a little harder to find but will add some secondary perks. Also fine tuning cargo boosters so they don't work with skills (Flat Rate)
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The regular spawning is scripted th file in core mod: data\scripts\global\CoreFunctionality.js
You can experiment with it. There is method "StarSystemUpdate" which is responsible for spawning pirates/aliens (methods "RestorePiratesPopulation" and "RestoreAliensPopulation"). You can create method to spawn ships based on what faction owns this star systems, what factions are nearby, etc.
Scripting API reference:


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