discontinued 2023 july 29th . by ninekorn

Started by ninekorn, July 09, 2017, 07:49:45 PM


discontinued 2023 july 29th . by ninekorn


unfortunately, the map size is hardcoded in the client UI code and we can't make it configurable - the game client is not moddable. You can only add/edit content and gameplay scripts in Core.cpk.
That's something we wanted to take into account for our next game, CryoFall. It's already completely moddable but in closed alpha.



discontinued 2023 july 29th . by ninekorn


Press F12 key to make a screenshot.

Unfortunately, there is no way to modify galaxy map without hacking of DLL and it's really hard work as it will require a lot of changes. And you will be unable to distribute it as a mod (MPK-file).