Add Cargo by Device

Started by p0ki, September 15, 2015, 01:47:09 PM


Hy there,
I learned that you can remove Cargo by this command:
ship.RemoveCargoByType(args.ship_id, "item_id", $amount);
But how do you add Cargo?
ship.AddCargoByType didn't do it.
ship.AddItemToStorage didn't do it.

So what do it? I just know the two it ...
... commands.
(I know that properly it would be "does" but if you get the reference, you are awesome)

Any help appreciated :)


Hm, you can just take a loot at any of the topics in the game that uses these functions and see how they work. I think it is better than any explanation :)



Add product by device I think it is a very good way.คาสิโนออนไลน์ (