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Messages - ai_enabled

Modding info / Re: Cryofall Modding SDK for VS22?
April 13, 2023, 01:09:09 PM
There is no need for modding SDK since VS2022 as it already supports all the necessary features (such as file globbing).
Please follow this guide https://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=1027.0

Servers / Re: Official America (North) PVE resets
March 22, 2023, 04:23:04 AM

Sorry, we forgot to set the date of the next server wipe. This needs to be done manually and we've done it now.

According to the latest announcement on Steam, official PvE servers have a 3-month wipe interval (exactly 12 weeks/84 days), and official PvP servers wipe every 2 weeks.

Regarding the updates. The game is complete, so no new major updates are planned. However, we are definitely going to support the game in the future by releasing patches when necessary.

For this you will need to install the TechAutoUnlock mod, you can download it here (https://drive.google.com/file/d/147nv3LKV3_W0BHWCHSK8uK5P-R-jDA73/view?usp=share_link).
Copy the mod file to "Data/Mods" folder in your server.

Then edit ModsConfig.xml file by adding the mod entry, like this:


T2 cannot have a time gate (by design, because T2 has essential technologies to establish a proper base in PvP with shield protection; complete T1 progression is extremely quick).

The setting value to configure the time gates like you've listed above (except T2 which is available immediately) will look like this:

1. How long your server is running? The time configured in the time gates is counted from the date of the server wipe. If you server is two weeks old, all time gates have been already reached.

2. Perhaps you have not restarted the server or it's configured as a PvE server. The time gates apply only to the PvP servers and you need to reboot the server in order to apply the changes.
The best way to adjust the server settings is via the in-game server rates editor. Connect to your server, press ESC key, then press "Edit" button near the "Browse server rates" button. The "Edit" button is visible only if you're the server operator (if you're not, you can add yourself by editing "Data/SettingsServer.xml" file).

If you saw it on any other server just connect to it, press ESC and there is a button to browse the server rates of this server. Anyone can do this. Then you can just use the same settings on your own server.
BTW, you can edit the server rates of your server after connecting to it via the same menu (for other servers you can only browse settings; if you're the server owner you will see the "Edit" button).

Please check the PvP.TimeGates server rate. Its description from the ServerRates.config:

## Determines the time gate durations for Tier 3-6 technologies on PvP servers.
## Please configure a sequence in hours for Tier 3-6 technologies in the following order:
## T3 basic, T3 specialized,
## T4 basic, T4 specialized,
## T5 basic, T5 specialized,
## T6 basic, T6 specialized (the last two are the "Escape" tier).
## If you want to disable time-gating completely, please use: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
## Default value: 24,72,120,168,216,216,264,264

I'm not sure about limiting the max available technology tier. In theory you can set some very high value for the time gate.

Bug reports / Re: Game Not Start
February 10, 2023, 03:57:20 AM
I'm glad to hear that.
Enjoy the game!
Bug reports / Re: Game Not Start
February 09, 2023, 08:00:45 PM
Thanks for trying! And, as I understand from your previous message, you don't have any crashdumps in "%LocalAppData%/CrashDumps".

Something is preventing the .NET 6 Runtime from launching/operating properly. This is certainly a very rare issue and at the moment I don't know how we can investigate it further, unfortunately. There were few cases with odd issues similar to this one, and players responded that reinstalling Windows 10 resolved it. However, I will not suggest doing so unless you have major issues with other applications as well.


EDIT: typo.
Bug reports / Re: Game Not Start
February 09, 2023, 07:31:36 PM
Thank you for the log file.
Unfortunately, it's the log generated by Editor so it's not helpful to investigate the issue.

Please try installing the prerequisites and see whether the issue persists.
If the issue persists, we need fresh log files. Please delete the "Logs" folder altogether and try to launch the game. Check whether the Logs folder was created again and has any files. If yes, please share all of them (preferably by attaching to an email at support@atomictorch.com ).

Bug reports / Re: Game Not Start
February 09, 2023, 07:01:51 PM

Based on your description of the issue, and the fact that Editor launches properly, but the game doesn't (crashes/closes immediately), the issue is likely related to .NET 6 Runtime (which is included with the game; Editor is using old .NET Framework 4.7 which is installed in your OS). It either cannot start itself properly or cannot launch the game.

.NET 6 Runtime has some prerequisites, please try installing them:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe)
(For Windows 7 only) KB3063858 64-bit (https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=47442)

You may need to restart Windows after installing these.

If the issue persists, please send us an email at support@atomictorch.com and attach the log files from this folder (if you have any): Documents\AtomicTorchStudio\CryoFall\Logs
Please also check this folder:
(copy the text into the Explorer's address bar and press Enter)
If this folder exists and you see any files with names starting with "dotnet" or "CryoFall" please compress them and attach to your email (if the filesize is too large please upload to a cloud file storage such as OneDrive/DropBox/etc and share the link).

Mods / Re: [Server][Map] Duality, A New Cryofall Map
January 30, 2023, 05:41:33 AM
@hamiltonrex, hello!
Every map is considered a modification. This is because we cannot guarantee that a user-created map is completeΓÇöthat it has all the biomes, resource spots, boss areas, etc as necessary to properly play and complete the game.
Besides, about this particular map (Duality)ΓÇöwhile it offers every necessary feature, it's actually not a single map but a mod to the game. It contains new scripts (code) to define new resource areas and change the resource spawn algorithms (e.g. there are dedicated Sulfur spring areas which are not available in the vanilla game, there are several such scripts included).

I've forgot about these stats. Cleaned them as well now.

Ideas and suggestions / Re: Official Global pvp Ideas
January 23, 2023, 06:50:25 AM
Feel free to share you creations here https://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?board=24.0
If players find your map interesting, they can deploy it to one of the servers to try it out. If it becomes popular we can try it on the official servers.

Done. Please try SAM again.
