VoidExpanse - Patch notes v1.6.x

Started by Lurler, November 24, 2015, 12:55:07 AM


I too am encountering this problem.. got server up, got friends playing... and broken...

BTW, the registration for this forum is so stupid I may never log in again.


Hi guys,
sorry for inconvenience. We rollback to v1.6.5 right now and working on the proper update.



=== VoidExpanse v1.6.9 ===
(full news post there http://atomictorch.com/Post/Id1143/VoidExpanse-v169-Update )

  • Improved Linux support. This should fix most of the reported crashes and other compatibility problems. Please let us know on the forums if there are any other issues!
  • Improved networking.
  • Fixed "boom" achievement.
  • Fixed issue with weapon binding.
  • And fixed various other issues.
    To the dedicated server hosters: please update your servers, otherwise updated clients will be unable to connect.


the latest 1.6.9 for Linux is working great, thanks for such a great effort :)


=== VoidExpanse v1.6.10 ===
(full news post there http://atomictorch.com/Post/Id1143/VoidExpanse-v1610-Update )

  • Added quick shortcut: Ctrl+click to start autopilot to the specified location on System or Galaxy map. (for Mac users: Cmd+click also works)
  • Station storage cargo capacity can be modded now!
  • Fixed bug where it was impossible to start a new singleplayer game (with local game server)
  • Fixed dialog window not stretching to fit the message content
  • Improved handling of server errors (better stability and convenience for modding)
    To the dedicated server hosters: please update your servers.


=== VoidExpanse v1.6.12 ===

  • Updated to NoesisGUI 1.2.6f3 (much faster UI loading - overall loading speed is ~2x faster).
  • Improved autopilot: it will be much more careful regarding the asteroids and other space objects.
  • "Pause on minimize" checkbox added to the in-game menu (singleplayer mode only). The same option in the options menu was removed.
  • Fixed launch issues on Mac.
  • Improvements for Linux compatibility (there are still some problems, see troubleshooting thread http://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=889.new )
  • Fixed bug when moving the only remaining item in the same space crate container makes it disappear.
  • Fixed bug when merchants suddenly quit dialog on station and leave it.
  • Server UPnP port forwarding error is more detailed now.
  • Debug keys now requires holding Ctrl or Cmd key to active (no more unexpected hiding of the game UI).
  • Other minor engine improvements.
  • Russian localization fixes.

    To the dedicated server hosters: update is recommended, but not required.


=== VoidExpanse v1.6.13 ===

  • Improvement: (in Singleplayer) savegame backup will be created before writing the new save game files. It will help to avoid cases when a savegame become suddenly corrupted. Backup folders will be created near the savegames folders with names like "backup_slot_0".
  • Fixed: Savegame corruption when the new savegame file cannot be written in place of current savegame (rare issue related to antivirus and other software).
  • Improvement: Decreased duration of screen shakes produced by huge explosions.
  • Fixed: Server crashes in some rare conditions.
  • Fixed: Client crashes on entering/leaving space station and any other time when the music changes (related to FMOD file streaming issue of Unity Engine).
  • Change: NVorbis audio library is used now instead of Unity streaming audio. No more disk audio cache needed (reduces required free space amount). The game didn't use NVorbis since v1.1.x because of memory leaks, but now the pool of buffers is implemented.

    To the dedicated server hosters: update is recommended, but not required.