Kits mod allows admins create a bundle of items (kit) witch can be taken by user via command in console.
Mod ID: ablrKits
Version: 1.0.0
Game Version: (R33 Update)
Important note:
To execute commands you need "Developer mode" turned on, in client settings.
Then in-game press tilde (~) key to open console.
Client commands do not require special command char, while admin commands always starts from /
Client commands:
* kit <kitName> - take a kit by name set instead of <kitName>, e.g. kit start - will give kit with name "start"
* kits - shows notification about available kits.
Admin commands:
* /kits.create <name> [description] - create a new kit or rewrite existing, <name> is required ID for kit. Kit name should not contain spaces, special chars, only english alphabet and numbers.
* /kits.clear - remove all kits
* /kits.export - put in client clipboard the XML representation of saved kits, currently used for debug.
How to make a kit:
You need be an admin and being connected to game server via client to create kits.
Kit is created from character inventories. Everything that you have - will be a kit, e.g. you have some armor, weapons, mods installed, some tools/items on hotbar - everything will be a kit, and when client call kit, all kit items will be placed on same places where admin (who made kit) had them.
/player.items.add to fill your inventory with items.
then call /kits.create someName to create a kit.
then you can clear inventory via /player.items.clear and after that "kit someName" to receive everything back.
first implementation, it have some bugs somewhere.
Will be good see some feedback.
Download link: