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Messages - Yomi

提示 : 此MOD仅用于 "GDH4-Chang Yomi Servers".
Note : this mod can only use to "GDH4-Chang Yomi Servers".

other servers cannot support , also only if add mod in other servers.

this mod changed so many , i cant write here (too many words, length not allowed by the forum)
Mod Info list (thats to much): 请点击此处了解更多MOD内容 / plz click here to read mod info (https://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=1823.0)

Mod Version : 1.0.4
Type : Server + Client

How to use :
Mod file here : *:\you computer (windows) name\My Documents\AtomicTorchStudio\CryoFall\Mods

flie : *:\you computer (windows) name\My Documents\AtomicTorchStudio\CryoFall\ModsConfig.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <mod>  ... other mod lines ...  </mod>

MOD下载地址 / Download Mod : Click Here (https://wws.lanzous.com/i7gFgjhgjub) Code : e83m

1. click " Yomi Set Expansion 1.0.4.zip"
2. click "电信下载"or"联通下载".
3. if cant , just try to click "普通下载".
Θàìµû╣ // Recipes :

徒手 // Hand :
瓶装纯净水 x5 // Bottle Water x5
木板 x5 // Planks x5
τ╗│σ¡É x5 // Rope x5
τ║┐ x5 // Thread x5

化学实验室 // Chemical Lab :
硝酸 x5 // Acid Nitric x5
硫酸 x5 // Acid Sulfuric x5
火木 x10 // Firelog x10
溶剂 x5 // Flux Powder x5
改良火药 x5 // Formulated Gunpowder x5
Θöé x5 // Lithium x5
硝化纤维火药 x5 // Nitrocellulose Powder x5
σíæµûÖ x5 // Plastic x5
橡胶 x5 // Rubber x5 // 1.0.1 fix bug

武器工作台 // Weapon Work bench :
黑火药 x5 // Black powder x5
武器元件 x5 // Components Weapon x5

工作台 // Work bench :
空瓶子 x5 // Bottle x5
原油 x5 // Petroleum x5 // 1.0.1 new
空容器(金属) x5 // Canister(Metal) x5
空容器(塑料) x5 // Canister(Plastic) x5
胶水 x5 // Glue(Bone) x5
τ║╕ x5 // Paper x5
电缆(塑料) x5 // Wire(Plastic) x5

烹饪台 // Cooking Table :
面粉 // Wheat Flour x5
技能 // Skills :

学习 // Learning :
最大等级 // Max Level = 10
科技点 // LP = +200% (+20% every level)

植入物亲和 // Cybernetic Affinity :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
所有磨损率 // All Degradation = -30% (-0.6% every level)

τöƒσ¡ÿ // Survival :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
最大生命 // Max HP = +100% (+2% every level)
最大精力 // Max SP = +100% (+1% every level , lv.30 +20% , lv.50 +30%)
最大食物 // Max FN = +100% (+1% every level , lv.30 +20% , lv.50 +30%) (food need)
最大饮水 // Max WN = +100% (+1% every level , lv.30 +20% , lv.50 +30%) (water need)

运动 // Athletics :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
精力消耗 // Stamina Consumption = -50% (-1% every level)

常规武器 // Conventional :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
Σ╝ñσ«│σó₧σèá // Damage       = +25% (+5% every 5 levels)
装弹时间 // Reload Speed = +50% (+1% every level)
τú¿µìƒ     // Degradation  = -25% (-0.5% every level)

能量武器 // Energy :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
Σ╝ñσ«│σó₧σèá // Damage       = +50% (+1% every level)
Φâ╜Θçŵ╢êΦÇù // Energy       = -50% (-1% every level) (Consumption)
τú¿µìƒ     // Degradation  = -25% (-0.5% every level)

近战武器 // Melee :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
Σ╝ñσ«│σó₧σèá // Damage       = +200% (+4% every level)
τë╣µ«èµòêµ₧£ // Special      = +80% (+1% every level , lv.1 +30%) (σç║ΦíÇ // Bleeding)
τú¿µìƒ     // Degradation  = -20% (-0.4% every level)

重型武器 // Heavy :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
Σ╝ñσ«│σó₧σèá // Damage       = +75% (+5% every 5 levels , +1% every level)
装弹时间 // Reload Speed = +40% (+0.8% every level)
τú¿µìƒ     // Degradation  = -25% (-0.5% every level)

伐木 // Lumbering :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
经验公式 // Exp = 600 HP -> 300 Exp
伐木速度 // Speed = +300% (+6% every level)
树苗几率 // Sapling = Lv.20 Get
额外树苗 // Extra Sapling = Lv.40 Get

探矿 // Prospecting :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
经验公式 // Exp = 1000 HP -> 240 Exp
挖矿速度 // Speed = +300% (+6% every level)
额外收入 // Additional = Lv.20 Get
宝石几率 // Gems = Lv.40 Get

制造 // Crafting :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
制造速度 // Speed = +300% (+6% every level)
Θó¥σñûΘÿƒσêù // Max Slot 1 = Lv.20 Get
Θó¥σñûΘÿƒσêù // Max Slot 2 = Lv.40 Get

σ╗║ΘÇá // Building :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
经验公式 // Exp = Finished = 300 / Deconstruction = 50
速度 // Speed = +300% (+6% every level)

维护 // Maintenance :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
经验公式 // Exp = Repaired = 2000
恢复耐久 // Durability = +70% (+1% every level + original 20%)
完全修复 // Perfect Fix = Lv.35 Get

载具 // Vehicles :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
装弹时间 // Reload = +50% (+1% every level)
燃油消耗 // Fuel Consumption = +25% (+0.5% every level)

农业 // Farming :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
农业/植物生长倍率 // All Speed = +200% (+4% every level)
额外产出 // Additional Yield = Lv.30 Get

狩猎 // Hunting :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
肢解速度 // Speed +200% (+4% every level)
额外产出 // Extra Loot = +50% (+1% every level)
额外产出具体数值可见 // Now u will see the "Extra Loot" value.

狩猎 // Foraging :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
采集速度 // Speed +200% (+4% every level)
额外产出 // Extra Loot =Lv.30 Get

ΘÆôΘ▒╝ // Fishing :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
钓鱼知识 // Knowledge = +100 (+2 every level)
成功几率 // Success = +80% (+1% every level + original 30%)
保留鱼饵 // Keep Bait = Lv.30 Get
保留几率 // Keep Chance = 30%

搜索遗迹 // Searching :
最大等级 // Max Level = 50
搜索速度 // Speed = +200% (+4% every level)
额外获取 // Extra Loot = +50% (+1% every level)
Mods / [Mod]Farming Plus 0.0.3 for Fix
December 16, 2020, 04:38:31 AM
=====Farming Plus By j0hnbane (https://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=1252.0)=====

first , for now im not "Farming Plus" Authorization , i cant contact author.
so this topic will to be deleted of anytime , or when author need i will do this.

1. repaint all plants texture.
2. fix all scripts to add plants spoiled state.
3. add chinese language.

New Texture :

Mod Download : Click Here (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BX8KCvwfDlfc4MPdnSOiuiyBNr9Ab56H/view?usp=sharing)

How to use :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <mod> ...  other mod lines  ... </mod>
Mods / Re: [Server][Map] Paralith, A New Cryofall Map
December 12, 2020, 05:20:16 PM
by the way , i change map zone in my server for this map. hope u wont mind.
Modding info / Re: how to use the ΓÇ£if" ?
December 12, 2020, 05:32:12 AM
Quote from: ai_enabled on December 11, 2020, 06:24:28 PM
Hints are prepared only once currentlyΓÇöwhen the scripts are initialized.
So putting any conditions ("if") there that checks something related to the current player (equipment, status effects, etc) will not work as desired.
In A29 we will change thisΓÇöthe list of hints will be recreated every time a tooltip is displayed.


:) :) :)
Modding info / Re: how to use the ΓÇ£if" ?
December 11, 2020, 06:16:13 PM
Quote from: ai_enabled on December 11, 2020, 06:34:21 AM
Regarding the PrepareHintsΓÇöit will not work as you wish as it's called once for each item type and it should not depend on the player's equipment or state. We have applied the necessary changes to support your idea in A29 Update, stay tuned!

Regarding the movement speed and animationΓÇöif you have noticed, the animation is synchronized with the actual animation so there is no "sliding feet" issue.
If you really wish to have a super-high-speed movement but wish to slow the animation, open the skeleton file (for players it's "ProtoCharacterSkeletonHuman") and adjust "DefaultMoveSpeed" property.
For example, if your set your character speed to 5 ("StatMoveSpeed => 5") but the "DefaultMoveSpeed" is still 2.5, then the animation will be played twice as fast to match the character movement speed. If you adjust "DefaultMoveSpeed" to 5, they will match.


thx , i did that..
use bool

Quotebool = false
if (bool)
itemimplantsskin.cs :
override bool = ture
Mods / [Server][Map] Paralith, A New Cryofall Map
December 11, 2020, 05:46:57 PM
well ,,, if player house location = 10 , bad lucky thing happen....maybe location 10 is water or ocan in the new map :)
Mods / Re: [Server][Map] Paralith, A New Cryofall Map
December 11, 2020, 08:28:07 AM
to much box and Resource regeneration speed so fast ,,, one day?
i already to use map in my server , how can change that?
Modding info / how to use the ΓÇ£if" ?
December 10, 2020, 07:44:41 PM
            base.PrepareHints(hints); // or other way?
if ( ???? ItemImplantNanofiberSkin)

i add to Skin Implant a new ability , i need show tips.
but i wanna holy show this item.

how can i use "if" (other?)to confirm?

an other question :
how can to control animation speed?

like we change player or vehicle to high speed , an then just look like crazy.

now we have a way :
if server move = 7
then client move = 3.5

but this dosent to work forever , every once update need to change tiwce files.
Ideas and suggestions / flash idea
December 10, 2020, 06:42:03 AM
i will writing for anytime if i think.

use chinese language to say : thats not science.

like "Structural Plating" , hows made that?
we dont have a machine tool , right?

so why didnt to add a machine tool?
and then we have machine tool , now we have steam punch , so we can made steel plate.
but we have a new question :"how can i made a steel cube?"
i cant use my hand to do this , yes i need welding rod! and jesus! what material welding rod?

so.....this really science~~~
More science and complex recipes!!!

weather :
if rain ,
Get sick (new buff , like cold sick)
something bomb cannot be use (cant fire or Damp ammo)

if snow ,
storm snow - low move speed - low vision (buff)
cold - Mechanical failure - body forzen until die (buff)

PS: i try to fix infection mod but i fail , some code idk hows work.
guns :
if low skills level or newnoob.... :)
then : Tips :ΓÇ£you really dont know how to use a gun , now u guns has been blast , u hand is bleeding(or a super explosion , player is dead XD)!"
in game....gun is gone(Durability = 0 , ammo lost) , player dead or get something debuff.

mining :
you are mining , after sometime or once mining. u pickaxe has been broken(Durability = 0) , because u hitt a super hard stone , you dont know whats this . but you should be keep it in yourself.
Modding info / plz delete
December 08, 2020, 08:47:32 AM
sry , i find 0.0.2ver , is already fix scripts bug.

Mod Version : 0.0.1

first saying. for now i dont have MOD authorization.
so i cant give u any mod files.
only just to telling u "what can i do , how can i fix".
after then i will try to call author.

today i was going to use <farming plus> mod , but i have some wrong message.
so i started check this mod file.
and then find something :

Mod Name :
usually , we just need to add mod name.
but if used <Farming_Plus> , also need mod version.
otherwise , the program will be delete that mod line.
i guess the program need "_" to discern mod version , means "_" = space key.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

also you can change mod name.
Icon :
now the file path : Content\Textures\Technologies\Tier4\Farming4\Group.png
program cannot be recognized , then cause an error in "TechGroup.cs"

Fix : Content\Textures\Technologies\Tier4\Farming.png
now , as you see the icon is normal.
Scripts :
file path : Scripts\Technologies\Tier4\Farming4\TechGroupFarming4.cs

namespace AtomicTorch.CBND.CoreMod.Technologies.Tier4.Farming4
    using AtomicTorch.CBND.CoreMod.Technologies.Tier3.Farming3;

    public class TechGroupFarming4 : TechGroup
        public override string Description =>
            "Advanced farming practices and even wider crop variety.";

        public override string Name => "Farming 4";

        public override TechTier Tier => TechTier.Tier4;

        protected override void PrepareTechGroup(Requirements requirements)
            requirements.AddGroup<TechGroupFarming3>(completion: 1);

right :
namespace AtomicTorch.CBND.CoreMod.Technologies.Tier4.Farming
    using AtomicTorch.CBND.CoreMod.Technologies.Tier3.Farming;

    public class TechGroupFarmingT4 : TechGroup
        public override string Description =>
            "Advanced farming practices and even wider crop variety.";

        public override string Name => "Farming 4";

        public override TechTier Tier => TechTier.Tier4;

        protected override void PrepareTechGroup(Requirements requirements)
            requirements.AddGroup<TechGroupFarmingT3>(completion: 1);

idk , maybe old version...

by the way , i translated this mod for CN language.
now i used this mod in my servers.
wrong mod name.....the program need "_" to add version .
means if mod name have "_" , the program cant add mod .
because program read mod name is "farming" , not "farming_plus".

so we need add mod name and mo version of hand yourself

like this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
         other mod line

wrong add :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
         other mod line

i try to change mod name , after then mod has been much wrong massge..... :)
Mods / Craft item count x5
December 07, 2020, 08:02:13 PM
modtype : server + client

Crafting Count MOD Ver 1.0.1

徒手 // Hand :
瓶装纯净水 x5 // Bottle Water x5
木板 x5 // Planks x5
τ╗│σ¡É x5 // Rope x5
τ║┐ x5 // Thread x5

化学实验室 // Chemical Lab :
硝酸 x5 // Acid Nitric x5
硫酸 x5 // Acid Sulfuric x5
火木 x10 // Firelog x10
溶剂 x5 // Flux Powder x5
改良火药 x5 // Formulated Gunpowder x5
Θöé x5 // Lithium x5
硝化纤维火药 x5 // Nitrocellulose Powder x5
σíæµûÖ x5 // Plastic x5
橡胶 x5 // Rubber x5 // 1.0.1 fix bug

武器工作台 // Weapon Work bench :
黑火药 x5 // Black powder x5
武器元件 x5 // Components Weapon x5

工作台 // Work bench :
空瓶子 x5 // Bottle x5
原油 x5 // Petroleum x5 // 1.0.1 new
空容器(金属) x5 // Canister(Metal) x5
空容器(塑料) x5 // Canister(Plastic) x5
胶水 x5 // Glue(Bone) x5
τ║╕ x5 // Paper x5
电缆(塑料) x5 // Wire(Plastic) x5
电缆(橡胶) x5 // Wire(Rubber) x5

NOTE: is already changed , whatever MOD installed.
if not mod , that recipe look like normal,
but real happens need x5 material will be beginng.

Download :  Click Here Passcode : e83m (https://wws.lanzous.com/b01trsf1c)