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Messages - Grey DeMonstr

Bug reports / Re: Translations / wording issues
November 30, 2021, 03:01:47 AM
Ok, makes sense, thanks.
Bug reports / Re: Translations / wording issues
November 28, 2021, 12:18:47 PM
Never have a thought you game is opensourced :) Then should I simply create pull requests in case of localization issues? :)

Your translation approach is kinda interesting, will think about it. Now it makes much more sense.
Bug reports / Re: Translations / wording issues
November 26, 2021, 02:04:25 PM
Thanks, will send as soon as meet something next time.

PS Error messages from the server side can be translated. The simpliest (though not the best way in perspective) is to change server reply api, so it will contain not only error text but also some error code. When the next client update is released, it can utilize error code to display the localized message. More stable and supportable way is to make server code translatable. In this case the client can send own locale to the server in the request header (or once when the session is established).
Bug reports / Translations / wording issues
November 26, 2021, 08:36:42 AM
Good day. I'm playing Cryofall on russian language, and sometimes I see either untranslated strings (mostly error messages when placing objects / working with plants / etc), or just grammarly incorrect phrases / typos.

It there any way to contribute to the project translations?
