Quote from: Lurler on August 02, 2014, 10:13:07 PM
That's the problem. If we simply change controls to make your ship just follow the mouse it will really turn all the work we've put in combat system so far into a mindless shooter like countless other casual space games...
I think you underestimate your own combat system. There is still inertia and tracking speeds, plus special modules, or whatever you are calling the modules that fit in the numbered slots (I'm not sure what sorts of things you still were thinking of adding, perhaps webifiers, ECM, tracking disrupters?). Additionally, unless I'm wrong, some weapons have damage which falls off with range. Consider that your game already has much more sophisticated combat than say, Diablo (of course that is contingent on there being more special ability modules). A good example of a game that pulls this off with mouse controlling rotation quite successfully is http://ringrunner.net/ . (A related question, are there damage types? It's always good to have damage types.)
So, I'm getting used to it, definitely won't stop me from playing and enjoying the game, but making things more difficult by muddling your control scheme seems like the wrong way to go. If you let the combat stand on it's own I have no doubt it'll hold up.