Quote from: ai_enabled on September 14, 2014, 07:46:30 PM
Hello! Sorry for late answer. Yes, you need to install Visual C++ Redistributive - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679 - because this application uses C++ plugin for file opening (Unity doesn't provide this feature out of the box).
still nothing happens when i klick "Open model"...
* Visual Studio Express 2012 installed
* Visual Studio Express 2013 installed
* Visual C++ Redistributive 2012.4 installed
* Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) 12.0.30501 installed
Code Select
Undefined Queue: 'Transparent + 100'
(Filename: Line: 263)
Undefined Queue: 'Transparent + 100'
(Filename: Line: 215)
Undefined Queue: 'Transparent + 10'
(Filename: Line: 263)
Undefined Queue: 'Transparent + 10'
(Filename: Line: 215)
Fallback handler could not load library S:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Mono/.\S:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Plugins/NativeOpenfileProject.dll
Fallback handler could not load library S:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Mono/.\S:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Plugins/NativeOpenfileProject
Fallback handler could not load library S:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Mono/libS:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Plugins/NativeOpenfileProject.dll
Fallback handler could not load library S:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Mono/.\libS:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Plugins/NativeOpenfileProject.dll
Fallback handler could not load library S:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Mono/libS:/Users/Userxy/Documents/Downloads/PhysicsAdjuster/Tool_Data/Plugins/NativeOpenfileProject.dll
if the dependencies are unknown for the "C++ plugin for file opening" stuff. It is maybe not a big deal to look for a file path in the first parameter so we can start the tool like this: tool.exe foo.obj ?