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Started by OneOfDaZZZ, March 28, 2018, 09:35:52 AM


I played several hours today for the first time:

1)  The start is very vague
- it took me quite a while just to figure out how to eat a berry
- your tooltip on first basic material says to get leaves from trees....I must have sent 10 minutes trying to pluck leaves from trees until I learned about grass.
-seriously the shits annoying, make it brownish or something so it stand out more than a green item in a green field
3) Once I learned to kite combat became stupid
- hitboxes are overly large and are not consistent kiting northwards tends to damage the player more then east/west/south
4) either guns are underpowered or the iron mace is OP
- I pushed to the flintlock to kill the big lizard monster in the newby area and a single shot looked to take away as much damage as a single stab with my rock spear ....for the amount of effort to create the gun it was way disappointing.
- I got to the 5 shooter revolver before logging out and was equally disappointed similar damage amounts but with a bigger shot capacity for way more resources. 
- My Iron mace was a WAY better option it was my go to weapon as the damage was a huge increase over my other choices.
5)  I unlocked offence 2 and selected weapons parts or whatever the first tier is on the right....
- that mini metal component requirement is BS if you are going to require a alternate component from another tech tree then don't hide the tech trees, it's a pain in the ass because I have no idea what to unlock in order to grind those items to advance the tree.
6)  Game feels very grindy
-  whacking trees 10 times with a stone axe, waiting several minutes to smelt ore, searching out sand/clay to make non recyclable glass bottles...I think that I get that you don't want me to finish the tech tree in a single 2 hour play but it could be quicker slightly less times/exp curve to unlock techs
-  As it stand right now I don't think I would continue to play overly long if the grind curve remains as-is.

PS: to the guy(s) that built doors to every ramp up to that large hill in the starting area.  Your are POS and I am going to research stone walls and box you in.


Greetings, OneOfDaZZZ and thank you for your detailed review!

Although, I must say I'm a bit puzzled about your choice of words. But oh, well. You criticism is very valid none the less!

Quote from: OneOfDaZZZ on March 28, 2018, 09:35:52 AM
1)  The start is very vague
- it took me quite a while just to figure out how to eat a berry
- your tooltip on first basic material says to get leaves from trees....I must have sent 10 minutes trying to pluck leaves from trees until I learned about grass.
That is a valid point. At a later date we want to include a detailed tutorial, list of missions and achivements.
It will all be tied together into one single system that will guide new players towards different goals, but more importantly teach all the basics new players need to know.
Plus there will be many youtube videos later which could also help and teach people certain things or nuances about the game.
You just have to remember that the game hasn't even been launched fully.
It is still just a test. The game is available 100% for free. And we haven't made any promotional efforts yet.

Quote from: OneOfDaZZZ on March 28, 2018, 09:35:52 AM
-seriously the shits annoying, make it brownish or something so it stand out more than a green item in a green field
Again, this is merely of consequence of things not being finished.
Currently we are working on a completely new terrain system that will address this and all of the related issues.
Here's a preview:

Quote from: OneOfDaZZZ on March 28, 2018, 09:35:52 AM
3) Once I learned to kite combat became stupid
- hitboxes are overly large and are not consistent kiting northwards tends to damage the player more then east/west/south
I hate to use the same excuse again, but this is also just a temporary implementation.
Currently animals don't even have AI and their physics (collision box, etc.) system is very simple.
We will be completely rewriting everything once we finish other, more pressing tasks.

Quote from: OneOfDaZZZ on March 28, 2018, 09:35:52 AM
4) either guns are underpowered or the iron mace is OP
- I pushed to the flintlock to kill the big lizard monster in the newby area and a single shot looked to take away as much damage as a single stab with my rock spear ....for the amount of effort to create the gun it was way disappointing.
- I got to the 5 shooter revolver before logging out and was equally disappointed similar damage amounts but with a bigger shot capacity for way more resources. 
- My Iron mace was a WAY better option it was my go to weapon as the damage was a huge increase over my other choices.
Now, this is a valid criticism. I also felt this way somewhat.
But I'm not sure if we really should change that...
The thing is - melee weapons require you to get in close. And if it's with another player then having even a flintlock pistol would be serious advantage compared to a mace. No matter how much damage mace can inflict raged weapons would always be superior... because you don't have to get close to use them.
Currently the way we are trying to balance things is such:
- Melee weapons have higher damage and much higher chance to inflict special effects (bleeding, daze, broken bone, etc.).
- Ranged weapons (obviously) have higher range and a bit more choices of approach (different ammo, different types, etc.).

Quote from: OneOfDaZZZ on March 28, 2018, 09:35:52 AM
5)  I unlocked offence 2 and selected weapons parts or whatever the first tier is on the right....
- that mini metal component requirement is BS if you are going to require a alternate component from another tech tree then don't hide the tech trees, it's a pain in the ass because I have no idea what to unlock in order to grind those items to advance the tree.
This is merely a resource lock to prevent people from creating hundreds of such weapons. You need to explore rad towns to get those components in order to create best weapons in the game.
At a later date we are obviously open to rebalance it, but as it stands now this serves as a good balancing act.
When item degradation system is finally implemented we will be completely open to reconsider this requirement or adjust it some way.

Quote from: OneOfDaZZZ on March 28, 2018, 09:35:52 AM
6)  Game feels very grindy
-  whacking trees 10 times with a stone axe, waiting several minutes to smelt ore, searching out sand/clay to make non recyclable glass bottles...I think that I get that you don't want me to finish the tech tree in a single 2 hour play but it could be quicker slightly less times/exp curve to unlock techs
-  As it stand right now I don't think I would continue to play overly long if the grind curve remains as-is.
This is by design. You are trying to do "everything". This is quite understandable, as there isn't that much things to do in the game yet, but when more content is added you will be able to specialize in your specific area and simply buy everything else from other players, including resources. This way you can concentrate only on the things you really enjoy doing and let other people do things that they enjoy.

Anyway, we really appreciate you taking time to write this feedback!

My main takeaway from this is that the game is stable (i.e. no ground breaking bugs) and developed enough that the main criticism is about new content and balancing issues. And this is honestly great! :)


Thanks for your feedback, OneOfDaZZZ!
Some additions/clarifications to what Lurler wrote above:

Quotehitboxes are overly large and are not consistent kiting northwards tends to damage the player more then east/west/south
We will redo the hitboxes completely as the current system has too many flaws. With the new hitboxes, we will also decrease the melee weapons attack range as it's unrealistically large now.

Yes, we will check how the grass on the new terrain looks and most likely we will change the color and make it much taller - totally different from any ground textures and terrain decals. So it will be clear that this is the grass to harvest fibers :-).



Sorry about my language, i didn't mean to be offensive

I understand that the game is in very early development and i am look forward to see how it develops its a kind of interesting take on the a survival game.  Yesterday I was simply learning the ropes and building some basic gear, tonight I will probably go out exploring. 



No worries!

I hope we can keep improving the game at a steady pace and eventually address all of the things you mentioned.

Also, if you have any questions or difficulties with the game - feel free to join our discord server https://discord.gg/mfZCeY someone from the team is always there and ready to reply :)
Although, for feedback specifically - forum is certainly a better place as we will be able to address all of the points in greater details.