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Cryofall Building Anywhere

Started by Ifinx, July 22, 2020, 09:48:41 AM


Hey Everyone,

I have a question I can't seem to find on the Forums or Online. I have a private server setup for me and a couple friends. I'd like to enable building anywhere without a Land Claim. From the videos I've seen of trailers and such it seems to be possible but how do you do this? Is there a setting I am missing?

I have the Server in PVE. Also if you'd like more information on my settings I can post them here if necessary.

Thank you everyone.



Currently building anywhere is possible for PvP mode (though limited to certain buildings kind e.g. no walls and doors outside the land claim) and for the creative mode ("/creative 1" console command invoked by server operator).

The reason we've put this restriction for PvE is that many players were building a bit outside their base bounds and then didn't understand why the structures were damaged and destroyed by other players, or why they were decaying and disappearing. The restriction prevents these issues.



Thank you for that response.

Is there anyway to disable this in PVE with a command, setting in the ini or something?

As I mentioned this is a Private Server I am hosting kinda as a single player option for me and a couple friends. The Server isn't listed as public.

I understand needing this setting in the official servers and other public-private servers, but it's not what we're wanting on my own server. There has to be a way to disable that, alter it, change it or something.


There is no option to configure this. As a 100% workaround, a client+server mod could be implemented to override the behavior of "ValidatorIsOwnedLandInPvEOnly" in LandClaimSystem (GitHub link) (https://github.com/AtomicTorchStudio/CryoFall/blob/22beddf2c1db69c3400f46b55ee16e3816c770d2/Core.cpk/Scripts/Systems/LandClaim/LandClaimSystem.cs#L190) but it requires some experience with programming and modding.

I would suggest just raising the land claims number limit on 50 extra claims for each player (see "LandClaimsNumberLimitIncrease" setting in ServerRates.config) on your server so everyone could place as many land claims as they want. Placing buildings without a land claim is not recommended anyway as they will decay (though you can disable it by editing the "StructuresDecayEnabled" server rates setting) and as many buildings require a power grid to operateΓÇöwhich is provided by a land claim area.
