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Cryofall on linux

Started by alex1, November 23, 2020, 09:24:30 AM


What I have at the moment:
- the steam version works great, after all the manipulations with protontricks from protondb
- And to run a non-steam version of the game, I use portProton. It has some flaws with the wintricks to download the necessary .NET. And I don't know how to connect the protontricks with this port, so I solved the problem like this: I just moved C:\windows from the proton folder in Steam, where everything works, to portProton. Excellent! Now the game starts before the login form.
It simply does not accept the login, whatever it is, correct or incorrect. Writes: SteamError.

From log:
23.11.20 03:28:13.563 [IMP] MasterServerClient: Sending Command Login_3 (ID=0)
23.11.20 03:28:13.714 [IMP] MasterServerClient: Received Command LoginResult_4 (ID=39353)
23.11.20 03:28:13.725 [WRN] GameClient: Master: Master login failed: SyntaxIncorrect

I think the problem is steam_api64.dll or Steamworks.NET.dll The system either lacks some component, or something superfluous.
Distr: Mint 20. I'm not a very experienced Linux user yet, if you need to provide some more information, then I will send. Or maybe someone went this way?)



Please remove the "steam" file in the game installation folder. It's a flag file that is used to determine whether the game should use Steam API (including user authentication).



Quote from: ai_enabled on November 23, 2020, 09:28:18 AM

Please remove the "steam" file in the game installation folder. It's a flag file that is used to determine whether the game should use Steam API (including user authentication).


It's version from website, without steam file


Ok, this version is not well compatible with Proton yet as we're working on it as you can read here https://steamcommunity.com/app/829590/discussions/2/2257935717976028552/#c2961642185107823819
Please download the latest version from Steam ("proton-linux" branch) and remove "steam" file from it.



I tried to mix different versions of binaries and other files - it didn't work.
But yes, it turned out to start logging into a non-steam account. :)
Only through the Steam proton, with the portProton has not yet worked


Thanks for testing the new Steam build!
You may need to reset installed protontricks as the game no longer requires "dotnet472". And ensure you've switched the branch (you may need to verify files integrity with Steam Client).
If it still doesn't work, please send the latest game log files to our email support@atomictorch.com and we will investigate. The game log files location is "steamapps/compatdata/829590/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/AtomicTorchStudio/CryoFall/Logs/"



Wow! It was net472 version, in steam it was run fine. Now i see proton version in beta and this version works fine also in portProton! Thank You!


Great to hear! Enjoy the game!


with non-steam auth session don't working, need to login again and again


Yes, it's an expected issue as we didn't refactor all the incompatible code yet.


We've just released a patch that fixes the issue with auth session persistency. It also improves compatibility with Proton. The game should be playable out of the box without using protontricks or special branches! Just select Proton 5.13-2 in the game properties and launch it (the new build is also available for download from our website). Please give it a try and let us know if you have any issues.



I can't testing now, cuz i broke 5.13-2. None of the games launch now with this version. :(
Need some time to fix it)


There is no longer a special branch for Proton as we've pushed all the changes to the default branch. It should run out of the box with Proton 5.13-2 now! No tinkering necessary.

You can try just wiping these folders:

- steamapps/compatdata/829590
- steamapps/common/CryoFall
- steamapps/common/Proton 5.13
- steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_soldier



On PortProton all works fine!
Version 4.2, based on WINE PROTON 5.21 GE 1


Yes! In steam works too with both type of auth :)