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Adding another technology tier

Started by MightyMonte88, December 03, 2020, 08:26:16 AM


Hey i'm in the process of adding a 6th tier with a 5th tier for industry , and just wanted to make sure this won't conflict with the upcoming A29 update?



We're not planning to add Tier 6 anytime soon as we still yet to fill Tier 5 with all the planned content.

Currently Tier 6 is not defined in the game source files. If you're going to add a new tier you will need to override at least two files that are defining tiers:

Core.cpk\UI\Controls\Game\Technologies\Data\ViewModelTechTier.cs (method GetTierLetterOnly)

I would not suggest doing this before you've got a basic understanding of C# and how the file override works with our mod system.



I've checked and there is another file that would require editing to add an extra tier:
Adjust MaxTier constant and search for "tier 5" without quotes, there are missing entries for tier 6.
That's all but that's quite complicated for a newbie modder...



Again thank you so much for your time and the info, big help. I'm by no means a newbie coder, however the only language i have experience in is a forum of C# i believe, it's known as DM, the language for a compiler known as byond. So there is still a huge learning curve for me, i'm knee deep in attempting the edits to techconstants now so wish me luck haha


Ok until i've got a better understanding over the override system, i'm going to just add nodes as other modders have done, ViewModelTechTier.cs is where i hit a roadblock in my attempt to add a 6th tier