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Got some problem with Requirements and XP

Started by BeLugh, August 02, 2014, 04:02:32 PM


I have tried to add more asteroids to have more diversity, as i want to use 16 resources to mine. The resources/ores are working great.
But when i add another asteroid it hangs on loading savegames/creating a new world

I found that the asteroids are created in systempresets.js

e.g. CSGen.CreateAsteroidsByPrefixes( args, {rock:10, ice:1}, 4, 1, 3 );

can you please tell me what the 4, 1 and 3 represents?
right now i would guess it has like 3 rings from the star. it places 10*3 rocky asteroids and 1x*3 in the inner or outer one.... and then 10*1 rocky 1*1 icy etc...

Can you please tell me if its possible to add more asteroids to the game, if yes what do i have to do after adding them to the asteroids folder with a new id?


To answer your questions:
We'd like to add experience for trading but such system isn't yet possible. But will likely be added in the future.
As for how asteroids are generated, unfortunately I have no idea :)
Maybe someone else from the team can answer that here.


Do you know who coded the asteroid function? So i can ask him directly if he does not answer here.
I would really like to add more asteroids (i was going to have 10xrock 3xice 3xlava in total)


Adding more asteroids works, my msitake was that i had a typo in scale of asteroid 7 and i always tried to have at least asteroid 7 added... ;)

Btw i found the function for creating asteroids, its in CSGen