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Creating an empty space crate

Started by loudent, April 21, 2015, 06:04:50 PM


Hey All,

I'm trying to create an empty crate in space but the generator.AddContainer() requires a droplist xml as an argument. I've tried creating an xml with no items in the list but that gives me more errors.

Is there a way to create a crate in space without any contents?

I guess worst case scenario is I could delete the contents of the create first but I figured I'd check before I went that route.


Yes, you can use this function for spawning an empty crate container. It will return the container ID.
You can give null for dropListID variable for this function.



Actually, if I pass null for the drop list I get the following error:

22.4.15 00:28:31.0224 [ERR] Script invocation exception: script "data/scripts/global/ldt_jettisoncargo.js"
Exception System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at AtomicTorch.SpaceRPG.Server.Scripting.GlobalScopes.ScopeGenerator.AddContainer(Int32 systemId, Double coord_x, Double coord_y, String typeID, String dropListID, Object tags)
   at binder_for_AtomicTorch.SpaceRPG.Server.Scripting.GlobalScopes.ScopeGenerator.AddContainer(ScriptEngine , Object , Object[] )
   at Jurassic.Compiler.Binder.Call(ScriptEngine engine, Object thisObject, Object[] arguments)
   at Jurassic.Library.ClrFunction.CallLateBound(Object thisObject, Object[] arguments)
   at Jurassic.Library.FunctionInstance.CallWithStackTrace(String path, String function, Int32 line, Object thisObject, Object[] argumentValues)
   at LDTOnShipDestroyedHandler(ScriptEngine , Scope , Object , FunctionInstance , Object[] )
   at Jurassic.Library.UserDefinedFunction.CallLateBound(Object thisObject, Object[] argumentValues)
   at Jurassic.ScriptEngine.CallGlobalFunction(String functionName, Object[] argumentValues)
   at fOjZMNuuN0lHLFXgsOw.eWvU7yujosPi3g8qJRo.dDXuMhBoIb(String  , Object  )
22.4.15 00:28:31.0263 [IMP] Ship Loudent will be respawned at SystemID=43
22.4.15 00:28:31.0273 [ERR] Unhandled exception in Server game loop
Exception System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare()
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
   at jvMuEfWa4dI5JoCFn5h.qLinMVWiyGcCwUBomHI.LNLpgxUlx9(Double  )
   at vxVLwDhWYiEysuRM7sN.ml7y5YhuRUkrQAmipFF.<>c__DisplayClassc.<ServerTick>b__2()
   at yh4Zn3002uxc4RoZtM8.gAxJV70qX9ONgNlNcs7`1.FnFGVddIss(Func`1 function, Func`1 shouldAbortCheckFunction)
   at vxVLwDhWYiEysuRM7sN.ml7y5YhuRUkrQAmipFF.lPDtIYPk3R(Double  )
   at vxVLwDhWYiEysuRM7sN.ml7y5YhuRUkrQAmipFF.EaltAtbg4x()


Sorry for that, I've found a bug with this function, a small mistype ruining it... :-( Will be fixed in the next build.
As a workaround, please create a new droplist xml ("droplist_empty.xml") with the content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!-- empty list -->

Place it at the "data/itemslist" folder and then you can invoke function generator.AddContainer() with the "droplist_empty" argument. It should spawn an empty crate container.




Seems to be working :)