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Messages - kyokei

Awesome, as always, if you have a specific scenario to test for me drop me a PM :)
Quote from: ai_enabled on December 05, 2014, 10:58:15 PM
Update ready - v0.1.12!
Not sure about the Mac version (need more testing), but other versions should run flawlessly.

Mac version still broken, same thing as before. I see the 2 intro logos and then it crashes. Crashes even to the point of freezing up the Macbook :S I've come as far as the language selection.

Any major changes?
Also side question, will you use the steam cloud sync for the savegames once you publish the game on Steam?
Ideas and suggestions / Ship crew - leveling - skillset
December 05, 2014, 01:33:05 AM
I just thought of it. Since we have the modules that you can attach to your ship that improve it why not also have crew members.
You would be able to recruit these in various stations, get them via rescue missions or finding them drifting in broken ships around the universe.
The thought came to me after playing some FTL.

So each ship would have a few spots and each person would have a special characteristic which would level overtime based on the time he has spent in this ship. Think of here of special perks as in shield regen while in combat

When you would move to a new ship the level of your crew would be lvl 1 again. The progress would be per ship and would be saved. This means that if you would go back to an old ship then they would continue where they left off with their levels.

This would give a new edge to the game and would introduce a bit more choice making when it comes to your ship.
So Mac version... I can start it now from Steam!...
Problems: Menu's and UI look odd, looks like missing textures and some menu options do not work.
- Single player doesn't do anything
- Multiplayer opens the MP menu
- Options opens the menu and you see the top tabs for Audio and Video but no options in them.

Yeah that's about it.

Link to my player.log

Some VE dev: can you tell me where in the Mac version the file is which has the video options? I want to play around with those to test.

As always, if you want me to test a specific scenario let me know!

Welcome and join now!

SERVER OFFLINE TILL STEAM VERSION (unless someone really actively plays)

server name: -modded- -PVE-
server address:
Hosted in: EU - Netherlands
server forum: Just post in this thread.
Server settings:
* Mods installed: yes
- "Expanded traders ship" (
- "YT-1300 hull" (
* Whitelist only: No
* Player limit: 32
* PVP: No
* EXP penalty: No
* Money penalty: 50%
* Ship penalty: No

If there are any questions or concerns let me know.
Quote from: ai_enabled on November 30, 2014, 06:29:28 PM
We definitely need a more stable UI library, could you write one? :-)
Is the game working now except this issue? How often this issue happens?
Please try to increase the MSAA setting to x4 and set the UI anti-aliasing to "MSAA" mode. This may help.
I'm not behind my mac right now so I'll try tonight but the menus had no button and I couldn't do anything... so for me it was unplayable.
I'll continue here... AI next issue :)

let me know what you need, here are the player logs:
Quote from: ai_enabled on November 29, 2014, 09:04:21 AM
I've tested the game now on my Mac for several hours and yes, I reproduced this issue. I need to say the Unity is so unstable on Mac... usually it works (especially if the game started without any problem - then it usually works flawlessly, that's why I think the game was stable enough...), but freezes happens often upon quit, or process remains opened after quit (but no window/screen present). The only way to fix it now - kill "VoidExpanse" process from the Process Monitor application and start it again from Steam.
BTW, we decided to remove the "retina" mode on Mac as it requires "old fullscreen overlay" Unity setting, which is incompatible with Steam overlay features, and you cannot switch on another applications while playing (this also became a very big problem if the game freezes!). Shame on Unity they're still not supporting retina resolutions on "windowed" Unity setting on Mac... in Windows it works right of the box (and with much better FPS).
Hope we can improve stability on Mac in next build.

Well whatever I try I can't get it to work... any other tips?
Hey AI,

Here are the logs:

I am running the Macbook pro retina 2014 version. I5 2.6ghz, 8gb ram, intel iris 1536mb, OSX Yosemite

What happens is that steam says I am playing VoidExpanse but no screen ever opens, and then steams says I am play no game anymore.
When I click play it shows for 1 sec the screen preparing to play VE and then it disappears.
I am redownloaded, verified integrity etc
Can't get the game started on my mac, can you remind me where to find the logs on Mac?
Ideas and suggestions / Re: Destructable Space junk.
November 27, 2014, 03:05:11 AM
Mmmhmm, I kinda forgot you have these kind of people yeah...
How much effort would it be to add movable space debris? As in debris which fly's from one side of the map to the other, randomly, at different speeds... so in this scenario it would have to spawn from somewhere.
Help section / Question about Steam + server hosting
November 27, 2014, 01:06:47 AM
So a few days ago I wanted to get a new server up and running with the new unreleased version so that I could test the client + the server part in one go.
After copying the files from the Steam directory onto my VM I was unable to get it working.

AI, have you thought about how you are going to get VE server working within Steam? Are you integrating it in the SteamCMD?
Could I get (after your round of fixes that you will do this week) a zip with the server files for Windows and Linux please?
I know your focus is on getting the client working perfectly in all 3 OS's so I will understand if you can't provide the builds but I would still want to do atleast a small round of testing on the server part before you do the release to Steam.
Ideas and suggestions / Re: Destructable Space junk.
November 27, 2014, 12:55:23 AM
I think a good start would to make the debris destructible without having anything to Salvage, this way you can have areas with more debris and when fighting Pirates it would it make so that debris can block attacks but not permanently.
I think the same can be applied to Asteroids, when firing enough into an Asteroid you can make it explode. You can't salvage the parts yet but maybe what would be possible is to have parts of Asteroid float away which act as debris. Which you can then again destroy.
This would add a new layer to the game.

I will only have time to test either the Mac or the Linux version so let me know :)