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Started by Daitallica, September 11, 2018, 01:14:17 PM


When I change the requirements for quests, for example
Gather Resource quest 40 Fiber instead of 20, the quest will still show it requires 20, however I will still need to collect 40, the ui then shows 40/20

With Skills I have maxed the skills to 50 and changed the xp requirement however the UI still shows the old numbers.
I have implemented this on the server and client


For it to display the number correctly the changes have to be made in both: server and client.
The client can't know the different numbers if they are only on the server.


They are on both Client and server
I copied the server core.cpk folder to the client folder
I have also moved the core.cpk files to a backup folder so it would read from my edited files


OK, now I am really REALLY confused

I tried to load cryofall from the launcher this morning but got this error:
Critical error.
Please provide the game logs to developers.

System.ArgumentException: The path is not of a legal form.
   _____________________________________stack trace_____________________________________

   at Path.NewNormalizePath(path, maxPathLength, expandShortPaths)
   at Path.NormalizePath(path, fullCheck, maxPathLength, expandShortPaths)
   at Path.GetFullPathInternal(path)
   at PathHelper.GetFullPathCrossplatform(path)
   at PathHelper.GeneratePathToDynamicData()
   at GameMain.InitDataPaths()
   at GameMain.Init(gameApplication)
   at CBNDMonoGameApplication.Initialize()
   at Game.DoInitialize()
   at Game.Run(runBehavior)
   at CBNDClientLauncher.Launch(isEditor, getServerLoggerProviderFunc)
   at #=zaFtPRXzSNSrZ0JZ5dgXyHT8$bZKmSC6lRA==.Main()

So I loaded the cryfallclient.exe directly and it worked, but not only that my skills were showing correctly?????

I'm going to try repairing my installation and see what happens....
So many confused haha


I kinda know what the issue is
it's to do with the  " ~/Documents\AtomicTorchStudio" folder

I will investigate further


If I launch the game from the Launcher it shjows the old stats, but if I launch directly from the exe it shows the new stats


That's because the game client is running in a portable mode when you start it directly as "CryoFall Client.exe". The game data location is different in this case. See my response here http://forums.atomictorch.com/index.php?topic=1086.msg6595#msg6595