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Stucked On Login Screen

Started by alsvartr, September 15, 2018, 08:26:06 AM



I have a problem like that . How can i fix it?




alsvartr, hi!

Could you upload the game logs folder on Google Drive or Dropbox and share the link please?
The logs are located in <Documents>\AtomicTorchStudio\CryoFall\Logs






sorry for the late response. It seems the game cannot compile one of the required shaders (it cannot parse it and throws errors). This is very surprising as we have thousands of installations and nobody else reported a similar issue.

I see two possibilities:
1. The game data was damaged after/during installing. Please try reinstalling the game from the Launcher application.
2. The DirectX 11 shaders compiler is not properly installed. In particular, the library file "d3dcompiler_47.dll" which is used by the shaders compiler tool shipped with the game. This file is installed with .NET Framework 4.7 (as it depends on it) but before that, it was a separate download. Unfortunately, I cannot find a separate Microsoft KB* package to reinstall it. I've found a website https://d3dcompiler.info which looks useful but please pay maximum attention as the provided DLL files might contain viruses.



Thanx for answer. I did your advice but still same. Its not working for me.


Please try reinstalling/repairing .NET Framework 4.7.2 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4054531/microsoft-net-framework-4-7-2-web-installer-for-windows
DirectX 11 shaders compiler is one of its prerequisites and might be repaired too in the process.

I don't have any other ideas at the moment. As I wrote above, we have thousands of installations and this is the first time we hear about the issue with the shader compilation.




I was uninstall game and .net frame work. Installed both. But still same, its not working. :-[


Hi, @ai_enabled

My friend has the same problem. We are from Turkey and trying to login 2 diffirent cities.

Are you sure about .net framework?




thank you very much for your response!
You've mentioned Turkey and that the game doesn't work on two different PCs. So I've got an idea that it might be related to the regional settings as we had this issue once with our previous game when floating point numbers were unable to parse because for the particular Windows region/language the decimal separator char was colon (like 1,234) but for the rest of the world it's dot char (1.234).

I've immediately switched to Turkish Region setting and restarted the game. And now I'm also stuck on the loading screen same as you and your friend :-) .

I will investigate and fix the issue tomorrow.
It seems the issue happens at MonoGame scripts compiler itself (it parses it before supplying the shader to DirectX shader compiler). So the fix will be useful for MonoGame community too as it's a very popular game engine.

If you want a quick workaround, you can switch the Region in the Windows Settings to English/US.



:) Its done. When i changed Region its ok.



The bug is reported to MonoGame https://github.com/MonoGame/MonoGame/issues/6435
And I've fixed it locally so the upcoming update will already include a fix. Thanks for reporting!
