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Map making skill

Started by Piwkin, April 29, 2019, 11:41:36 PM


Game map an being able to look at it at any time is a big adventage. Now all players have this advantage and all are even.

On low level of technology there's not so many choices what you can learn an player move to tier 3 tech very fast.

Way not make an ability to look into the map a tier 1 or 2 technology ? For example:
1st skill will allow you to access you map and the map drows automatically while you explore.
2nd skill will show the location of the player on the map.
3rd skill will show the location of player assets like claims etc ..
4th skill will show party members current position.
And 5th skill will allow player to put his own makrs on the map. Personally I think this is extrimly usefull.

This will add a bit to a gameplay especially at the start...



We don't want to artificially restrict the convenience of the world map. But as we will add more extra features (such as world map marks which we're playing to implement in the near future) we might reconsider. Thanks for your feedback!
