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An urgent feedback about Offical Aisa 1 server

Started by softwarelove, May 17, 2019, 07:32:59 AM


Before being wiped, the ping of server was under 80 here. But now it's over 200 sometimes.
I just wanna play this game in an international way!
Why do you guys limit the connection rate between Asia 1 and Chinese players.
So sad. There are my friends on Asia 1, but now I almost have no access to it!

Can you fix it? I really appreciate that. Thanks.

Best Regards



Sorry for the late reply. Asia 1/2 moved from Taiwan to Japan datacenter so it might explain why the ping value is different. However, it should not be much higher than the previous value!
Let's investigate the issue. Please download WinMTR https://sourceforge.net/projects/winmtr/files/WinMTR-v092.zip/download and run it to the server IP address (which you can see in the servers list in the game).
Please send me the text report (exportable as a TXT file) in a private message.
