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Server List Isn't Downloading

Started by SumYungGuy, June 30, 2019, 10:38:43 PM


As of about 4:30 UTC  (roughly an hour ago) I'm unable to log in. The "Master Server Connecting" loading animation appears (sometimes), but the list of servers is never downloaded (even though the animation completes and "connecting" changes to "connected". When I visit the Servers tab, I get a continuous  "awaiting server list" loading animation. Tried multiple ISP connection types, and launched app, restarted computer, etc. several times. From what I can gather, it appears some folks are connected and playing (presumably still logged in since before the problem occurred) and the rest of us are unable to log in. Please take a look, thanks!



Thanks for reporting!
We don't have this issue here but some players are reporting it.
Investigating now.


The issue resolved now.
Enjoy the game!


I'm experiencing this issue again, can you check the master server? I'm not getting the list, same issue description as originally reported.



Thanks for reporting.  I don't see any issue and other players are not reporting it.
Anyway, the master server is restarted now. Please try again and let us know whether it fixed the issue for you.


Whatever you did, it worked, I was able to log in a few minutes after posting this. Thank you so much, you're setting a very great bar for other games/co's to follow. Your support and response times are amazing, thank you so much for this game!