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Not sure whats wrong here...

Started by MightyMonte88, December 30, 2020, 06:16:48 PM


hey AI_enabled, i was trying to help another forum member edit the clients ability to zoom, so i copied a file, made some changes, then deleted the file afterwards as it wasn't a change i wanted to make.

Now, no matter what i do, even replacing all the script files with ones from my last known working version, i still get this runtime error, no compile errors.

30.12.20 20:07:49.913 [ERR] SharpDX exception during continuation of the async task
SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x80131515], Module: [Unknown], ApiCode: [Unknown/Unknown], Message: Unknown
   _____________________________________stack trace_____________________________________

   at Result.CheckError()
   at ImagingFactory.CreateDecoderFromStream_(streamRef, guidVendorRef, metadataOptions, decoderOut)
   at BitmapDecoder..ctor(factory, streamRef, metadataOptions)
   at #=zt6B7bgllDGDHep3nZju4v$M3ql1ib8G2wa1wi4g4hLCNJV3k3lCUqhQ1ogdImsLPSOs1oIk=.#=zZFVfIqIFfPpB(#=zOPHcoz4=, #=zIp$LFKg=, #=zn90r$MbuJHd2gMKzC1Buhhk=)
   at #=zt6B7bgllDGDHep3nZju4v$M3ql1ib8G2wa1wi4g4hLCNJV3k3lCUqhQ1ogdImsLPSOs1oIk=.#=zrpuNPM7tFQD_g3LL5A==(#=zOPHcoz4=, #=zm$p$x$4=, #=z4Y0ogCA=)
   at #=ztx8hItG3ffXL$daVwMPYwT8=.MoveNext()
   at ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(task)
   at #=zppcqQFjhUkIgWG07lIwPC0o=.MoveNext()
   at ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(task)
   at #=zZLgTPUMgs1ha.#=z6MZc__E=()
   at #=zs7QCeyatCSpTk_yyxw==.MoveNext()
   at ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(task)
   at #=zOsoKXZ80DCnH4gLdEw==.MoveNext()
   at ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at #=zE3Z0hGGsrbU1csJoHg==.#=q8z1UHv1UmQbUGMzhnCkf5rOz3mpGs4aIyOHPt1mxWqA=()

I've ever tried making a new mod project, and copying my content and scripts folders over, still this same hateful runtime error...


Please navigate to the %Temp% folder with Windows Explorer, and delete the AtomicTorchStudio folder that is used to store the caches (including effects/shaders caches).



Still getting the same error after deleting AtomicTorchStudio folder in temp. It's worth noting that if i use the version of my mod, from before the edit, i get no errors and the editor launches fine. However, if i create a new project (keeping the name the same Tech_Expansion). switch to debug, set dependencies, then copy the scripts and animations folders from the working mpk, recompile (with no errors), create a new mpk and try to run the editor it kicks back the above mentioned error, so the issue isn't with any of the scripts im assuming.....im confused.


Perhaps there is something else besides the Scripts and Content folders. What about the Header.xml file? If you make a carbon copy of the mod to the different folder (and adjust the ModsConfig.xml to point to the new mod location), does it work?


If only there was a facepalm emoji lol, my 7zip utility was still set for max compression from when i emailed those log files to you. Thanks for helping me figure it out AI.


I guess it's a good idea to gracefully handle such issues by the game engine and display a proper error message!

Regarding the camera zoom in Client buildΓÇöit's hardcoded in the engine for both client and server (visual scope) so no luck to unlock further zoom-out. Only Editor will allow zooming out further. As I've mentioned recently in Discord, this constraint was implemented for security/anti-cheat purposes.
