Cryofall Modding SDK for VS22?

Started by Telaurion, April 13, 2023, 01:07:13 PM


Is there a SDK for VS22 or do i have to install VS2019?


There is no need for modding SDK since VS2022 as it already supports all the necessary features (such as file globbing).
Please follow this guide



I wanted to use this sdk for the templates, but if u say i dont need it, i can try without.

AtomicTorch.CBND.CoreMod.sln is what i have to open? i want to make a client mod. how do i continue after i completed the guide? is there a guide what to do after that?

i tried to open that mods i already have with Visual Studio, but it says it doesnt support mpk files


Here is the mod template if you wish to start from scratch:
1. Extract the contents of this archive into your mod.
2. Rename the MyMod.csproj to match your mod's name.
3. Then edit Header.xml as necessary (the entry names are self-explanatory).

I would recommend checking how other mods are made, e.g. the popular Automaton mod by Djekke
You can also find the Djekke's community modding guide here ( It's a bit outdated regarding VS but still contains plenty of actual and invaluable information about how the modding system works in CryoFall, how you can override assets and code, how to test your mods, how to organize a modding workspace, etc.
