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Dedicated Server Crash

Started by Maroku, April 19, 2015, 08:07:28 PM


Yesterday my Dedicated Server (Omnicron) crashed.
Here is the log file that tells me that the server got shutdown because of to many errors.

Version 1.2.8
Windows Server

Server_VoidExpanse_2015-04-16_23-54.log (http://www.file-upload.net/download-10553451/Server_VoidExpanse_2015-04-16_23-54.log.html)


Thanks for reporting. Will be fixed with the next patch.


I've found also the issue with planet scanner research quest. Fixed now.
Thank you very much for the logs! :-)


Wow that was a fast fix, thank you!

In some other logs i found another error on a dedicated server (version 1.2.8 ) running on Windows.
Looks like it has something to do with contact from player > player or player > station.
Sometimes it throws a NullReferenceException.

AtomicTorch.SpaceRPG.Server.Utils.SpaceContactListener.PhysicsWorldPostSolve(Contact contact, ContactVelocityConstraint impulse)

and again here are the logs...

Log_VoidExpanse_Server_2015-04-08_15-00.log (http://www.file-upload.net/download-10554048/Log_VoidExpanse_Server_2015-04-08_15-00.log.html)


Yes, it's a known issue, but we're still unable to reproduce it. I've added a workaround for it in v1.2.9 so it will be resolved automatically when it happens again and the debug log message will be printed to the log.