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Started by p0ki, August 11, 2015, 07:35:18 AM


Can somebody download this MOD and upload it to somewhere else?

I would like to try this one out but don't have steam.
Thank you very much in advance.


I have downloaded it on a Google drive. On my computer it was in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\324260\488466030 folder. Here is the link:



Thank you very much, I requested the access to the file.
The Mailadress is @owlpic.com. I can't access it anymore so please let me know once you confirmed me.


Confirmed. Wait a sec, I will duplicate it on some file sharing resource.



Ok, if anyone else wants this mod I've uploaded it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b5p7nulnqxpwlw6/CS_RE-Fine1.03.40.mpk


Can you do the same with Special Mining Devices (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=485176187) as well?

/edit: I think its more than just recomended, but necessary.

/edit2: The Logfile to the Screenshot:
13.8.15 21:33:16.6834 [ERR] Mods validation error report received from the game server:
Xml data loading result: with errors
Loaded objects types:
asteroids: 6
characters: 9
skills: 111
itemboosters: 15
itemconsumables: 17
itemdevices: 15
itemengines: 8
itemfueltanks: 6
itemgenerators: 7
itemgrapplers: 5
itemhulls: 35
itemstatics: 179
itemresources: 68
itemradars: 6
itemrcss: 6
itemshields: 12
itemweapons: 62
spacestations: 5
jumpgates: 1
trails: 14
spaceobjects: 9
topics: 79
npctypes: 75
crates: 3
visualeffects: 7
decorations: 4
itemlists: 23
factions: 6
playlists: 24
specialobjects: 5

Parsing errors:
*1) "C:\Users\p0ki\Documents\AtomicTorchStudio\VoidExpanse\Mods\CS_RE-Fine1.03.40.mpk\data/itemlists/droplist_prefab_devices_01.xml":
    1) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_glepsite_extractor.xml",
    2) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_cyactite_extractor.xml",
    3) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_fraclasite_extractor.xml",
    4) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_mangkolite_extractor.xml",
    5) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_seralucite_extractor.xml",
    6) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_glepsite_extractor_industrial.xml",
    7) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_cyactite_extractor_industrial.xml",
    8) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_fraclasite_extractor_industrial.xml",
    9) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_mangkolite_extractor_industrial.xml",
    10) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_seralucite_extractor_industrial.xml",
    11) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_serizonite_extractor_industrial.xml",
    12) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_glepsite_industrial_mk2.xml",
    13) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_cyactite_industrial_mk2.xml",
    14) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_fraclasite_industrial_mk2.xml",
    15) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_mangkolite_industrial_mk2.xml",
    16) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_seralucite_industrial_mk2.xml",
    17) file not found: ItemID="data/items/device_serizonite_industrial_mk2.xml"

13.8.15 21:33:16.6854 [IMP] Dialog window shown: Mods loading error: Noesis.ScrollViewer [OK]


Made it, if anyone wants to download it here is the link:
/edit: Making a dropbox account is optional, just escape the first dialog.


By the way, why you need those mods without Steam?


Quote from: Silberspeer on August 13, 2015, 09:18:59 PM
By the way, why you need those mods without Steam?
Since now I wasn't that intereseted in mods and used the AtomicTorch Game Launcher.