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Question about Steam + server hosting

Started by kyokei, November 27, 2014, 01:06:47 AM


So a few days ago I wanted to get a new server up and running with the new unreleased version so that I could test the client + the server part in one go.
After copying the files from the Steam directory onto my VM I was unable to get it working.

AI, have you thought about how you are going to get VE server working within Steam? Are you integrating it in the SteamCMD?
Could I get (after your round of fixes that you will do this week) a zip with the server files for Windows and Linux please?
I know your focus is on getting the client working perfectly in all 3 OS's so I will understand if you can't provide the builds but I would still want to do atleast a small round of testing on the server part before you do the release to Steam.


Not ia_enabled, but I think I can answer as well. It is not a release version, so technically... we strongly advice you to wait at least a little bit until we roll out this update properly :) The master server doesn't even support the new version yet. We plan to release the new testing version soon, at least that one will be a bit better. But probably not a "stable" version yet.

As for Steam, we haven't really explored the options, so we can't be sure yet. Maybe ai_enabled could add more on this.
But either way - fear not, we will only do full release once EVERYTHING works perfectly.